Exceptions and interrupts
Exceptions are asynchronous events that the processor has to react to.
I/O interrupts are a sort of exception (at least as far as ARM is
concerned), SWI instructions generate exceptions as well. Also, certain
kinds of instruction errors are handled with exceptions. For instance, on
processors with a divide operation, division by zero usually generates an
exception. So, an exception represents some unexpected condition that the
CPU suddenly finds itself in. Usually the CPU has to bail out of the
current execution, do a context switch, and start executing exception
handling code.
How the ARM does it
ARM processors distinguish between 7 different types of exceptions.
This is a little on the high side. Many processors have different types of
exceptions (they usually give them different names, too). The types are:
Type Mode
Reset Supervisor
Undefined Instruction Undefined
SWI Supervisor
Prefetch Abort (icache fetch) Abort
Data Abort (dcache abort) Abort
IRQ (I/O interrupt) IRQ
FIQ (fast interrupt) FIQ
The mode column tells you which mode the processor enters to handle the
exception. In the case of the ARM, the mode corresponds to a separate bank
of registers. Also, the mode has it's own processor status word (PSR) so
that exception handlers won't corrupt user condition codes (among other
Reset is basically a software reset that halts the processor and starts it
over again in the OS (for rebooting presumably).
Undefined instruction is what happens when the processor reads in a bunch
of bits that it can't decode. In this case the processor waits to see if
any attached co-processors can execute it, otherwise it triggers an
undefined instruction exception. In this case, the exception handler can be
used to emulate co-processor functionality in software (like division, for
SWI is basically a trap into the operating system. It is for controlled
access to hardware and other processes. You've already used SWI, so it
should make a certain amount of sense.
Memory abort instructions are used to mark data as invalid. This mostly has
to do with caching and so we won't dwell on it.
IRQ and FIQ are for I/O. An IRQ (interrupt request) is generated by an I/O
device that requires servicing by the processor/OS. An FIQ is a higher
priority interrupt than an IRQ and it has more new registers available in
FIQ mode (this reduces context switching overhead).
How an exception is handled
When the processor needs to deal with an exception, a whole
sequence of events is triggered.
1)Each mode has it's own (banked) R14, which is set to the address of the
user mode instruction that was executing when the exception arrived.
2) Each mode has it's own CPSR (called the SPSR) this is set to the value
of CPSR at the time of the exception
3) CPSR[4:0] = exception mode number
4) CPSR[5] = 0
5) if mode == Reset or FIQ, disable fast interrupts (CPSR[6] = 1)
6) CPSR[7] = 1
7) PC = exception vector address
CPSR Structure:
31 30 29 28 27 26 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
|N | Z| C| V| Q| DNM (don't matter) |I|F|T|M4|M3|M2|M1|M0|
NZCV, are the condition codes. Q is a special condition code used by DSP
instructions that you won't (mercifully) be exposed to.
I is the interrupt enable/disable flag
F is the fast interrupt enable/disable flag
T is the thumb mode flag
M4 - M0 are the mode bits (telling you what exception mode you're in)
The exception vector is where the code to handle the exception is stored.
On the arm, the vectors are each 1 word wide, so the code is actually going
to be a branch into the OS handling code (usually). In the case of FIQ's
(Because they're the last vector) the code can be right there. The
structure of exception vectors varies from system to system, but the basic
idea is that at some fixed memory address, the user will place exception
handling code that the processor will jump to when it encounters an
When the exception handler is done executing, the CPSR is restored
(from the SPSR) and the mode's R14 is moved back into the PC. This will
cause execution to resume back in user mode. And the user code has no way
of telling that an exception occurred.
An example, the getc (SWI #h00F00001) trap
Now actual I/O for a real OS (like linux) is fairly complicated,
involving file descriptors, buffers, and a whole bunch of overhead. So we
use a simpler abstraction. getc just grabs the next character off of
standard input. Of course, this is implemented in the simulator as just a
hunk of code, but as an exception it works like this:
at address 0xFEED0000, SWI #h00F00001 is encountered
1) We enter supervisor exception handling mode
2) R14_svc = 0xFEED0008 (the PC on ARM is always off by 8)
3) SPSR_svc = CPSR
4) CPSR[4:0] = 0b10011
5) CPSR[5] = 0 (no thumb exception handlers)
6) CPSR[6] = 0 (we allow fast interrupts, b/c they have higher priority)
7) CPSR[7] = 1 (disable normal interrupts)
8) PC = 0x00000008
Now at 0x00000008, there will be a branch instruction, like
B 0xFFFF0000 (address of branch handler)
The branch handler will decode SWI to decide which syscall it's doing
(inst & 0x000FFFFF), and will then use that as an index into an array of
addresses, each of which is the address of the appropriate trap code.
For instance, assuming the trap number is in R4:
ADR R5, trapBaseAddr
LDR PC, [R5, R4, LSL #2]
The LSL is necessary because ARM instructions are 4 bytes wide, so you need
to scale the offset by 4, which is the same as shifting left by 2. Now the
PC will have the address (+ 8, actually) of the OS internal function to
process this trap. At the end of the trap handler will be the following
line of code:
In supervisor mode, this will copy R14_svc into PC AND restore CPSR from
SPSR. And that's it, now you know how user-mode programs can communicate to
supervisor-mode programs!
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