Opensource Test Suite (DOTS) is a set of test cases designed for the purpose of stress testing and long run testing on database systems to measure database performance and reliability. It has two kinds of test cases - Basic Cases and Advanced Cases. The primary goal of Basic Cases is stress and long run database testing; the secondary goal is 100% JDBC API coverage. There are 8 test cases written in Java to cover JDBC API under the Basic Cases category. The goal of the Advanced Cases is modeling real-world business logic, stress and long run testing on database systems. There are 2 test cases written in Java under the Advanced Cases category.
There are two components that make up DOTS. The first component is the DOTS Client that runs on the test client machine. The second component is the Performance Monitor that runs on the test server machine. The DOTS client uses Sockets and JDBC calls to communicate with the Performance Monitor and the database server respectively. Performance Monitor gets system information from the server, such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and sends it back to the test client. JDBC calls are used to perform database transactions on the server.
Neither DOTS Client nor the Performance Monitor has any GUI support in the current release. Users can start running test cases from the command line. DOTS Client can run any of the ten test cases. The test environment can be customized by modifying the configuration file.
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