/* * eight queen problem * This code snippet provides a recursive method to solve the eight-queen problem. * * @author: openspace * @date: 2009-05-09 */
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 8;
class EightQueen { public: EightQueen(); ~EightQueen();
void solve(int startRow); // solve the eight-queen problem
bool check(int row,int col) const; // judge whether (row,col) can be selected void clear() const; // clear the board state and records void printBoard() const; // print the board layout
private: char *boardState; // chessboard int *rowRecords, // records whether each row or col has selected point *colRecords; int *diagoal, // records whether a point is selected on the *clinodiagoal; // corresponding (clino)diagoal line
int count; // total answers };
EightQueen::EightQueen() { count = 0; boardState = new char[SIZE * SIZE]; rowRecords = new int[SIZE]; colRecords = new int[SIZE]; diagoal = new int[2*SIZE - 1]; clinodiagoal = new int[2*SIZE - 1]; clear(); }
EightQueen::~EightQueen() { delete[] boardState; delete[] rowRecords; delete[] colRecords; delete[] diagoal; delete[] clinodiagoal; }
void EightQueen::clear() const { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) boardState[i*SIZE + j] = 'O';
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { rowRecords[i] = 0; colRecords[i] = 0; }
int size = 2 * SIZE - 1; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { diagoal[i] = 0; clinodiagoal[i] = 0; } }
void EightQueen::solve(int startRow) { if (startRow == SIZE) { count++; printBoard(); return; }
for (int col = 0; col < SIZE; col++) if (!check(startRow, col)) { boardState[startRow * SIZE + col] = '*'; rowRecords[startRow] = 1; colRecords[col] = 1; diagoal[startRow+col] = 1; clinodiagoal[startRow-col+7] = 1;
solve(startRow + 1);
// reset the point just tested
boardState[startRow * SIZE + col] = 'O'; rowRecords[startRow] = 0; colRecords[col] = 0; diagoal[startRow+col] = 0; clinodiagoal[startRow-col+7] = 0; } }
bool EightQueen::check(int row, int col) const { return rowRecords[row] || colRecords[col] || diagoal[row+col] || clinodiagoal[row-col+7]; }
void EightQueen::printBoard() const { static int rowPos[SIZE], colPos[SIZE];
cout << "*******" << count << "th answer*******" << endl; cout << " "; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) cout << " " << i; cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { // print the board layout cout << i << " "; for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++) { cout << boardState[i*SIZE + j] << " "; if (boardState[i*SIZE + j] == '*') { rowPos[i] = i; colPos[i] = j; } } cout << endl; } cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { // print the points location cout << " (" << rowPos[i] << "," << colPos[i] << ") "; rowPos[i] = -1; colPos[i] = -1; } cout << endl; }
int main() { EightQueen eightQueen; eightQueen.solve(0);
return 0; }
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