Here we define some of the key kinematic variables used above:
- pseudorapidity --- the
quantity "eta" is not quite the same as the rapidity; it is a stand-in
for "theta", the latitude in spherical coordinates relative to the beam
axis. In particular, eta is defined to be
-ln[tan(theta/2)]. For massless particles, eta is the same as the
rapidity y, defined in terms of the energy E and z-component of
momentum pz as y=1/2[ln([E+pz]/[E-pz])].
- azimuthal angle --- the
angle "phi" is the angle around the z axis in cylindrical coordinates,
or the longitude in spherical coordinates, with the beam axis oriented
along the z axis.
- R --- a distance measure
in (eta,phi) space --- if two particles have momenta pointing in the
directions eta1,phi1 and eta2,phi2, respectively, then their distance
in R is Sqrt[(eta2-eta1)^2+(phi2-phi1)^2]
- transverse momentum ---
the px and py components of the momentum of an object, with the beam
axis being the z direction.
- invariant mass --- the
square of the sum of the four-momenta of two (or more) objects.
If a particle of mass M decays to n objects, the invariant mass of the
n objects will be M. In the case of a jet, the cells of the
calorimeter that lie within the jet-defining cone are viewed as having
detecting the energy and direction (and therefore the momentum) of
little massless mini-objects. The invariant mass of the jet is
the square of the sum of all the mini-object four-momenta. Note
this is generally much larger than the invariant mass of the charged
particles (detected as tracks) in the jet, and much larger than the
mass of the quark which generated it.
- Missing
Transverse Energy
What is meant by this term? And how precisely
is it defined in the context of the PGS detector?
"Missing transverse energy" is not missing energy; indeed, what is
"tranverse energy"?! Precisely stated, it is the magnitude of the
missing transverse momentum in an event.
Energy conservation cannot be used in a hadronic collider, because so
much energy is carried off in unmeasurable particles --- remnants of
the shattered initial protons --- inside or very near the
beampipe. For the same reason, momentum conservation along the
beampipe cannot be used. However, momentum conservation
transverse to the beampipe should work. A failure of momentum
conservation in the transverse plane suggests
- the presence of a neutrino, or neutrinos, or new undetectable
objects that have carried off momentum invisibly
- a mismeasurement of the energy of a jet, which is a common
- a particle sneaking through a crack in the detector structure, or
otherwise evading detection for a technical reason
However, experimentally there is more than one way to define the
missing momentum, because there are multiple measurements of momentum
and they don't always agree. Here is what we do, using our
version of PGS:
Missing-Et is defined by summing
(as a vector) the directed transverse energy deposited in all of the
calorimeter cells (treating each cell as a massless particle) --- this
combines, ideally, the momenta of all photons, electrons,
hadronically-decaying taus, and jets --- and adding to this the
transverse momenta of any muons, whose energy is measured using the
muon detection system. The magnitude of the resultant
vector is the "missing transverse energy".
A caution: muon detection works only
out to |pseudorapidity|=2, whereas the calorimeter extends to |pseudorapidity|=4, so
muons at large |pseudorapidity| (very near the beampipe) can cause
additional missed transverse momentum!
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