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2009-04-28 19:10:38



Driver Binding  驱动绑定

Driver binding is the process of associating a device with a device driver that can control it. Bus

驱动绑定就是把设备和能控制该设备的设备驱动相关联。 总线驱动已经自行处理了这个部分,因为总线有专门的结构来代替设备和驱动。

drivers have typically handled this because there have been bus-specific structures to represent the devices and the drivers.

With generic device and device driver structures, most of the binding can take place using common code.


Bus ~~~总线

The bus type structure contains a list of all devices that are on that bus type in the system.


 When device_register is called for a device, it is inserted into the end of this list.


The bus object also contains a list of all drivers of that bus type. When driver_register is called for


a driver, it is inserted at the end of this list. These are the two events which trigger driver binding.


device_register ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~设备注册


When a new device is added, the bus's list of drivers is iterated over to find one that supports it. In


order to determine that, the device ID of the device must match one of the device IDs that the


 driver supports. The format and semantics for comparing IDs is bus-specific. Instead of trying to


 derive a complex state machine and matching algorithm, it is up to the bus driver to provide a callback to compare a device against the IDs of a driver.

这种方法的好处就是通过提供给bus driver 一个设备号让它去比较设备驱动支持的设备号来代替那些复杂的状态操作和数据计算

The bus returns 1 if a match was found; 0 otherwise.


int match(struct device * dev, struct device_driver * drv);

If a match is found, the device's driver field is set to the driver and the driver's probe callback is

如果必配的发现了,设备的驱动域就会被设置成找到的驱动,并且调用driver’s probe callback

called. This gives the driver a chance to verify that it really does support the hardware, and that it's


in a working state.

Device Class ~~~~~~~~~~~~设备类型

Upon the successful completion of probe, the device is registered with the class to which it


belongs. Device drivers belong to one and only one class, and that is set in the driver's devclass


field. devclass_add_device is called to enumerate the device within the class and actually register

it with the class, which happens with the class's register_dev callback.



NOTE: The device class structures and core routines to manipulate them are not in the mainline kernel, so the discussion is still a bit speculative. 不在内核主线中操作The device class structures and core routines ,还需进一部的探讨  

Driver ~~~~~~

When a driver is attached to a device, the device is inserted into the driver's list of devices.


sysfs ~~~~~系统文件系统

A symlink is created in the driver's 'devices' directory that points to the device's directory in the physical hierarchy.


A directory for the device is created in the class's directory. A symlink is created in that directory that points to the device's physical location in the sysfs tree.


A symlink can be created (though this isn't done yet) in the device's physical directory to either its class directory, or the class's top-level directory. One can also be created to point to its driver's directory also. 这个就不用翻译了

driver_register ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~驱动注册

The process is almost identical for when a new driver is added. The bus's list of devices is iterated


over to find a match. Devices that already have a driver are skipped. All the devices are iterated


 over, to bind as many devices as possible to the driver.

Removal ~~~~~~~删除

When a device is removed, the reference count for it will eventually go to 0. When it does, the

但一个设备被移除,设备的应用次数会被设为0.当一处设备的时候,驱动的remove callback会被调用

 remove callback of the driver is called. It is removed from the driver's list of devices and the


reference count of the driver is decremented. All symlinks between the two are removed.


When a driver is removed, the list of devices that it supports is iterated over, and the driver's

当一个驱动被移除,驱动所支持的设备将会被遍历,并且driver’s renove callback会被调用一次针对每一个设备

remove callback is called for each one. The device is removed from that list and the symlinks removed. 设备将会从表中移除,符号链接也会被移除。












Bus Types  总线类型

Definition ~~~~~~~~~~

struct bus_type {

char               * name;

       struct subsystem    subsys;

       struct kset             drivers;

       struct kset             devices;

       struct bus_attribute * bus_attrs;

       struct device_attribute    * dev_attrs;

       struct driver_attribute    * drv_attrs;

       int           (*match)(struct device * dev, struct device_driver * drv);

       int           (*hotplug) (struct device *dev, char **envp, int num_envp, char *buffer, int buffer_size);

int           (*suspend)(struct device * dev, pm_message_t state);

       int           (*resume)(struct device * dev);




int      bus_register(struct bus_type * bus);


Declaration ~~~~~~~~~~~说明

Each bus type in the kernel (PCI, USB, etc) should declare one static object of this type. They


must initialize the name field, and may optionally initialize the match callback.


struct bus_type pci_bus_type = { .name      = "pci",                      这是一个例子

                           .match      = pci_bus_match, };

The structure should be exported to drivers in a header file:


extern struct bus_type pci_bus_type;         引用方法

Registration ~~~~~~~~~~~~注册总线

When a bus driver is initialized, it calls bus_register. This initializes the rest of the fields in the bus


 object and inserts it into a global list of bus types. Once the bus object is registered, the fields in


 it are usable by the bus driver.

Callbacks ~~~~~~~~~

match(): Attaching Drivers to Devices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~这个函数用来匹配驱动和设备

The format of device ID structures and the semantics for comparing them are inherently


bus-specific. Drivers typically declare an array of device IDs of devices they support that reside in


 a bus-specific driver structure.

The purpose of the match callback is provide the bus an opportunity to determine if a particular

Match calback的主要目的是提供给总线有机会去确定特定的驱动支持特定的设备,主要是通过对比设备di与驱动所支持的id.

 driver supports a particular device by comparing the device IDs the driver supports with the device ID of a particular device, without sacrificing bus-specific functionality or type-safety.


When a driver is registered with the bus, the bus's list of devices is iterated over, and the match

当一个针对一个总线的驱动被注册的时候,总线的设备就会被遍历,通过调用match callback

callback is called for each device that does not have a driver associated with it.


Device and Driver Lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~设备和驱动列表

The lists of devices and drivers are intended to replace the local lists that many buses keep.


They are lists of struct devices and struct device_drivers, respectively. Bus drivers are free to use


the lists as they please, but conversion to the bus-specific type may be necessary.


The LDM core provides helper functions for iterating over each list.


int bus_for_each_dev(struct bus_type * bus, struct device * start, void * data, int (*fn)(struct device *, void *));  设备表遍历函数

int bus_for_each_drv(struct bus_type * bus, struct device_driver * start, void * data, int (*fn)(struct device_driver *, void *));      驱动表遍历函数

These helpers iterate over the respective list, and call the callback for each device or driver in the list.

这些函数遍历各个列表,并对每个设备和驱动调用callback 函数

All list accesses are synchronized by taking the bus's lock (read currently).


The reference count on each object in the list is incremented before the callback is called;


it is decremented after the next object has been obtained. The lock is not held when calling the callback.


sysfs ~~~~~~~~ There is a top-level directory named 'bus'. 文件系统中有个顶端目录叫bus

Each bus gets a directory in the bus directory, along with two default directories: 默认有设备目录和驱动目录


       |-- devices

       `-- drivers

Drivers registered with the bus get a directory in the bus's drivers directory:驱动被注册以后会在驱动目录里显示


       |-- devices

       `-- drivers |-- Intel ICH

           |-- Intel ICH Joystick

           |-- agpgart

           `-- e100

Each device that is discovered on a bus of that type gets a symlink in the bus's devices directory to the device's directory in the physical hierarchy:在设备目录里的是一些对设备实际位置的符号链接


       |-- devices

       |   |-- 00:00.0 -> ../../../root/pci0/00:00.0

       |   |-- 00:01.0 -> ../../../root/pci0/00:01.0

       |   `-- 00:02.0 -> ../../../root/pci0/00:02.0

       `-- drivers

Exporting Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 引进属性

struct bus_attribute {

struct attribute       attr;

       ssize_t (*show)(struct bus_type *, char * buf);

       ssize_t (*store)(struct bus_type *, const char * buf, size_t count);


Bus drivers can export attributes using the BUS_ATTR macro that works similarly to the DEVICE_ATTR macro for devices.


For example, a definition like this:

static BUS_ATTR(debug,0644,show_debug,store_debug);这个可以生成bus_attr_debug

is equivalent to declaring:

static bus_attribute bus_attr_debug;

This can then be used to add and remove the attribute from the bus's sysfs directory using:


int bus_create_file(struct bus_type *, struct bus_attribute *); void bus_remove_file(struct bus_type *, struct bus_attribute *);











Device Classes 设备类

Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A device class describes a type of device, like an audio or network device. The following device classes have been identified:


Each device class defines a set of semantics and a programming interface that devices of that class adhere to.


 Device drivers are the implemention of that programming interface for a particular device on a particular bus.


Device classes are agnostic with respect to what bus a device resides on.


Programming Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The device class structure looks like:

typedef int (*devclass_add)(struct device *);

typedef void (*devclass_remove)(struct device *);

struct device_class {

char               * name;

       rwlock_t        lock;

       u32                devnum;

       struct list_head       node;

       struct list_head       drivers;

       struct list_head       intf_list;

       struct driver_dir_entry   dir;

       struct driver_dir_entry   device_dir;

       struct driver_dir_entry   driver_dir;

       devclass_add         add_device;

       devclass_remove           remove_device;


A typical device class definition would look like: 典型的定义方式

struct device_class input_devclass = { .name             = "input",

                               .add_device      = input_add_device,

 .remove_device = input_remove_device, };

Each device class structure should be exported in a header file so it can be used by drivers, extensions and interfaces. 设备类应该放在文件中,以方便驱动,扩展,接口使用

Device classes are registered and unregistered with the core using:


int devclass_register(struct device_class * cls);

void devclass_unregister(struct device_class * cls);

Devices ~~~~~~~ As devices are bound to drivers, they are added to the device class that the


 driver belongs to. Before the driver model core, this would typically happen during the driver's


 probe() callback, once the device has been initialized. It now happens after the probe() callback finishes from the core.

The device is enumerated in the class. Each time a device is added to the class, the class's devnum


 field is incremented and assigned to the device. The field is never decremented, so if the device is


 removed from the class and re-added, it will receive a different enumerated value.

The class is allowed to create a class-specific structure for the device and store it in the device's class_data pointer.


There is no list of devices in the device class. Each driver has a list of devices that it supports.


The device class has a list of drivers of that particular class.


To access all of the devices in the class, iterate over the device lists of each driver in the class.


Device Drivers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Device drivers are added to device classes when they are registered with the core.


A driver specifies the class it belongs to by setting the struct device_driver::devclass field.


sysfs directory structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a top-level sysfs directory named 'class'. 目录结构

Each class gets a directory in the class directory, along with two default subdirectories:每个类目录下会有两个默认的分支目录


        `-- input |-- devices

            `-- drivers

Drivers registered with the class get a symlink in the drivers/ directory that points to the driver's directory (under its bus directory):一旦注册驱动在类的驱动目录会建立一个设备的驱动的符号连接指向驱动实际所在的目录


   `-- input |-- devices

       `-- drivers `-- usb:usb_mouse -> ../../../bus/drivers/usb_mouse/

Each device gets a symlink in the devices/ directory that points to the device's directory in the physical hierarchy:每一个设备目录下会有一个符号链接指向设备所在的真正目录


   `-- input |-- devices

       |   `-- 1 -> ../../../root/pci0/00:1f.0/usb_bus/00:1f.2-1:0/

       `-- drivers

Exporting Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 struct devclass_attribute {

struct attribute        attr;

          ssize_t (*show)(struct device_class *, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t off);

ssize_t (*store)(struct device_class *, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t off);


Class drivers can export attributes using the DEVCLASS_ATTR macro that works similarly to the DEVICE_ATTR macro for devices. For example, a definition like this:

static DEVCLASS_ATTR(debug,0644,show_debug,store_debug);

is equivalent to declaring:

static devclass_attribute devclass_attr_debug;

The bus driver can add and remove the attribute from the class's sysfs directory using:


int devclass_create_file(struct device_class *, struct devclass_attribute *);

void devclass_remove_file(struct device_class *, struct devclass_attribute *);

In the example above, the file will be named 'debug' in placed in the class's directory in sysfs.

上面的例子会增加一个名叫 debug 的目录在系统文件系统的class

Interfaces ~~~~~~~~~~ There may exist multiple mechanisms for accessing the same device of a particular class type. 可能存在很多种机制来进入一个特定类的同一个设备

Device interfaces describe these mechanisms. 设备的接口描述了这种机制

When a device is added to a device class, the core attempts to add it to every interface that is registered with the device class.










The Basic Device Structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

struct device {

 struct list_head g_list;

        struct list_head node;

        struct list_head bus_list;

        struct list_head driver_list;

        struct list_head intf_list;

        struct list_head children;

        struct device   * parent;

        char    name[DEVICE_NAME_SIZE];

        char    bus_id[BUS_ID_SIZE];

        spinlock_t      lock;

        atomic_t        refcount;

        struct bus_type * bus;

        struct driver_dir_entry dir;

     u32         class_num;

        struct device_driver *driver;

        void            *driver_data;

        void            *platform_data;

        u32             current_state;

        unsigned char *saved_state;

        void    (*release)(struct device * dev); };

Fields ~~~~~~ g_list:     Node in the global device list.

node:       Node in device's parent's children list.

bus_list: Node in device's bus's devices list.

driver_list:   Node in device's driver's devices list.

intf_list:     List of intf_data. There is one structure allocated for each interface that the device supports.

children:      List of child devices.

parent:        *** FIXME ***

name:             ASCII description of device. Example: " 3Com Corporation 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]"

bus_id:           ASCII representation of device's bus position. This field should be a name unique across all devices on the

              bus type the device belongs to.

              Example: PCI bus_ids are in the form of


              This name is unique across all PCI devices in the system.

lock:              Spinlock for the device.

refcount:      Reference count on the device. 设备的引用次数

bus:        Pointer to struct bus_type that device belongs to.设备所属于的总线

dir:          Device's sysfs directory.                      设备的目录

class_num:     Class-enumerated value of the device.设备在注册时获得的累枚举量

driver:            Pointer to struct device_driver that controls the device. 驱动

driver_data:   Driver-specific data.                     驱动的数据区

platform_data: Platform data specific to the device.  端口映射,引脚功能等

              Example:  for devices on custom boards, as typical of embedded and SOC based hardware, Linux often uses platform_data to point

              to board-specific structures describing devices and how they

              are wired.  That can include what ports are available, chip variants, which GPIO pins act in what additional roles, and so

              on.  This shrinks the "Board Support Packages" (BSPs) and minimizes board-specific #ifdefs in drivers.

current_state: Current power state of the device.设备上电没有

saved_state:   Pointer to saved state of the device. This is usable by the device driver controlling the device.设备驱动控制设备的时候要用到的设备状态

release:       Callback to free the device after all references have gone away. This should be set by the allocator of the 释放设备

              device (i.e. the bus driver that discovered the device).

Programming Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~编程接口

 The bus driver that discovers the device uses this to register the device with the core:


int device_register(struct device * dev);

The bus should initialize the following fields:总线应该初始化下列域

    - parent 设备的父节点

    - name  设备的名字

    - bus_id 设备的 位置

    - bus    总线

A device is removed from the core when its reference count goes to0.


 The reference count can be adjusted using:

struct device * get_device(struct device * dev);

void put_device(struct device * dev);

get_device() will return a pointer to the struct device passed to it if the reference is not already 0 (if it's in the process of being removed already).

A driver can access the lock in the device structure using:

void lock_device(struct device * dev); 上锁

void unlock_device(struct device * dev);开锁

Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~

struct device_attribute {

 struct attribute        attr;

        ssize_t (*show)(struct device * dev, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t off);

ssize_t (*store)(struct device * dev, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t off); };

Attributes of devices can be exported via drivers using a simple procfs-like interface.

Please see Documentation/filesystems/sysfs.txt for more information on how sysfs works.

Attributes are declared using a macro called DEVICE_ATTR:

#define DEVICE_ATTR(name,mode,show,store)



This declares a structure of type struct device_attribute named 'dev_attr_power'. This can then be added and removed to the device's directory using:

int device_create_file(struct device *device, struct device_attribute * entry); void device_remove_file(struct device * dev, struct device_attribute * attr);


device_create_file(dev,&dev_attr_power); device_remove_file(dev,&dev_attr_power);

The file name will be 'power' with a mode of 0644 (-rw-r--r--).













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