uclibc[usb]# ./play_audio
(((((((((((((********************* 0 *******************))))))))
(((((((((((((********************* 0 *******************))))))))
(((((((((((((********************* 0 *******************))))))))
(((((((((((((********************* 0 *******************))))))))
PLAYBACK OPTIONS (default values inside brackets)
-m chip: Selects the board number [0]
-L count: Loops the file count times [1]
-l: Loops the file infinitely [FALSE]
-waitexit: application doesn't stop and exit until q key is pressed
-data mode: selects which streams to send to decode: n,a,v,s (n=none) [avs]
-ts mode: selects which streams to send PTS to decode: n,a,v,s (n=none) [avs]
-save mode: selects which streams to save into file: n,a,v,s (n=none) [n]
mode: avs, av, a, vs, v, n
-savems mode: same as -save but outputs elementary file with embedded pts and frame_size data
-speed N M: set the speed factor to N/M [1 1]
-dram controller: sets the dram controller to use [0]
-manutest: maunufacture testing mode
-pause: starts playback in pause state
-bcc filename: use the BCC file filename [NULL]
-stcdrift: enable correction of STC-to-PCR drift (SPI only)
-stcdbg n: level of debug print [0]..3
-delay time: set delay in ms for audio, video timers relative to stc timer [0]
-dmapool count log2_size: sets the count and the log2 size of the dma pool.
Default is application dependent.
-disk_ctrl level: minimum number of buffer when reactivation of disk must be done.
-prebuf size: maximum size in kB read from media for prebuffering.
-sat: send audio while in trickmodes [false]
-past: play any supported track [disabled]; otherwise video track must have a known codec
-noucode: do not load microcode [FALSE]
-STCid value: selects the STC ID to use [0]
-STC_initial_value value: sets STC initial value before reading stream (allows black frame in prebuffering mode)]
-far : fast audio recovery after trickmodes (performs a seek when resuming from trickmodes) [0] 1
-dontSendMPEG4pts: dont send pts for mpeg4 encoded AVI files
AUDIO OPTIONS (default values inside brackets)
-ae audio engine: selects the audio engine (DSP) to be used, 0 or 1 [0]
-ad audio decoder: selects the audio decoder on the DSP to use. [0]
-c codec: Sets the codec
[ac3=ac3_20] ac3_32 ec3
[aac0=adif] [aac1=adts] [aac2=dsi] [aac3=latm]
wma wmapro wmats
[dts=dts_20] dts_32
pcm[24,20,16 = bit per sample]_[1,2,... = channel assign]
lpcm[24,20,16 = bit per sample]_[1,2,... = channel assign]
lpcma[24,20,16 = bit per sample]_[1,2,..= channel assign],
bdlpcm[Bluray LPCM audio]
-lsbfirst used only for audio pcm wave
-afreq: Sets the output audio frequency [44100]
-sfg1: Sets sampling frequency of PCM group1 [output frequency].
-audioin: Configures for pcm audioin function [FALSE]
-extclk: take audio playback clock from RClk0 input (useful with
-audioin) [FALSE]
-aialign alignment: align value for the audio input (e.g. 1 for 24
bit, 0 for 32 bit)[1]
-ailsbfirst: LSB first instead of MSB first on audio input [FALSE]
-source: capture_source: [0=I2S] 1=SPDIF 2=SPDIF from I2S data pin
-capture_bts: bitstream number in captured SPDIF stream, [0]..7
-delay capture_delay: Delay to start capturing [1824]
-type capture type: 0=Not Specified, 1=PCM, 2=Compressed [PCM]
-spdif mode: Sets the spdif mode
n=no [u=uncompressed] c=compressed cnd=compressed no decode
-dual mode: [stereo] left right mix
-lfe: enable LFE channel - for AC3 codec
-acmod2dual: dual mode for acmod2 - for AC3/AAC/MPEG codec
-so: Enables/Disables the serial out [1=enable] 0=disable
-i2salign alignment: align value for the i2s audio output (e.g. 1
for 24 bit, 0 for 32 bit)[1]
-i2ssclknormal: don't invert SClk on i2s audio output [FALSE]
-i2sframenormal: don't invert frame on i2s audio output [FALSE]
-i2slsbfirst: LSB first instead of MSB first on i2s audio output [FALSE]
-i2s16bit: 16 bit sample width instead of 32 bit on i2s audio output [FALSE]
-chan: Sets the channel mask
-unsigned: Unsigned PCM data
-downsample: For DVD PCM playback protection by converting 24 bit to 16 bit PCM Format
-afifo size: select the audio bitstream fifo size in KB. Default is application dependent
-axfer count: select the audio xfer fifo count. Default is application dependent
-rclkmclk n: provide the current MClk on RClkOut n (0..3)
-askip_first_n_bytes: bytes to skip when reading the file from the beginning
-asend_n_bytes: bytes to send
-bassmode: [0] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-afs [0] 1: let audio uCode parse and set sample frequency from stream
-channel_delay: [0] 0...7 [0] 0...33, e.g., '-channel 1 23' means put 2.3 ms delay for channel 1
-audio_cp: set audio copy protection 'C' bit in SPDIF and HDMI audio header
-channel_status mask value: [0] [0] used to set all bits, including 'C' bit in SPDIF and HDMI audio header
-mclk : 128 [256] Audio Master Clock factor, either 128*fs or 256*fs
-audio_hdmi2c n: use I2C module 'n' for independent DVI/HDMI init (0=software, 1=hardware, 2=built-in hdmi)
speed: optional, I2C bus speed in kHz
-aplay n: [0] 0-3:0=disable,1=play_from,2=play_to,3=play_from_to
-astart n: [0] 0...MAX(uint64) play start PTS
-astop n: [0] 0...MAX(uint64) play stop PTS
-ltrt: force LtRt downmix mode
-ppdmx: to for PostProcessing module to do downmixing
-centerup: boost 6dB up in certer channel
-i2s_spdif n: [0] 1,2,3,4 copy i2s data to SPDIF 0=no copy 1=LR 2=CLfe 3=LsRs 4=LssRss
-ac3compmode mode: 0=analog, 1=digital, 2=line out, 3=RF [line_out]
-ac3dynhi scale: Dynamic scale hi 4.28 hex representation
-ac3dynlo scale: Dynamic scale lo 4.28 hex representation
-ac3pcmscale scale: pcm scale lo 4.28 hex representation
-x n: [2] 6 8 Channel Config [TrueHD]
-drc n: [0] 1 2 DRC Enable [TrueHD]
-boost n: [0] 0-100 DRC Boost [TrueHD]
-cut n: [0] 0-100 DRC Cut [TrueHD]
-dialref n: [31] 0-31 DRC DialRef (the value will be negated) [TrueHD]
-lossless: Lossless mode [TrueHD]
-mute : GPIO number of the audio mute and polarity when muted
Minimum cmd line: ./play_audio
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