分类: Oracle
2010-07-21 20:29:02
WARNING: You are creating/reusing datafile /dev/rora_temp01. WARNING: Oracle recommends creating new datafiles on devices with zero offset. The command "/usr/sbin/mklv -y LVname -T O -w n -s n -r n VGname NumPPs" can be used. Please contact Oracle customer support for more details. Mon Jul 19 17:00:20 2010 ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP |
mklv -y LVname -T O -w n -s n -r n VGname NumPPs |
三 查看新建lv是否改正错误
$ dbfsize /dev/rora_temp02 Database file: /dev/rora_temp02Database file type: raw device without 4K starting offsetDatabase file size: 131072 8192 byte blocks$ dbfsize /dev/rora_temp03 Database file: /dev/rora_temp03Database file type: raw device without 4K starting offsetDatabase file size: 396800 8192 byte blocks |
四 新建临时表空间
create temporary tablespace temp02 tempfile
'/dev/rora_temp02' SIZE 1024M; |
五 修改默认临时表空间
alter database default temporary tablespace temp02; |
六 添加数据文件
alter tablespace TEMP02 add tempfile '/dev/rora_temp03' size 3100m; |
七 删除原临时表空及数据文件
alter database tempfile '/dev/rora_temp01' offline; drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles; |
八 查看新建临时表空间大小
SQL> Col name format a10 SQL> col "used (M)" format a20 SQL> SELECT d.status "status", 2 d.tablespace_name "name", 3 d.contents "type", d.extent_management "manage type", 4 TO_CHAR(NVL(a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0),'99,999,990.900') "byte M", 5 NVL(t.bytes, 0)/1024/1024 ||'/'||NVL(a.bytes/1024/1024, 0) "used (M)", 6 TO_CHAR(NVL(t.bytes / a.bytes * 100, 0), '990.00') "per used%" 7 FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d, 8 (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_temp_files group by tablespace_name) a, 9 (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes_cached) bytes from v$temp_extent_pool group by tablespace_name) t 10 WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) 11 AND d.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name(+) 12 AND d.extent_management like 'LOCAL' 13 AND d.contents like 'TEMPORARY'; status name type manage typ byte M used (M) per use ------- ------- --------- ---------- --------------- --------- ------- ONLINE TEMP02 TEMPORARY LOCAL 4,124.000 2122/4124 51.45 |
九 查看原临时表空间LV状态
LV NAME TYPE LPs PPs PVs LV STATE MOUNT POINT ora_temp01 jfs 79 79 1 open/syncd N/A |
十 总结
AIX的每一个逻辑卷前512字节被称为logical-volume control block (LVCB),包含了LV的一些信息。为了避免和LVCB的冲突,Oracle 软件会跳过前4k字节不用。LVCB的和Oracle跳过4K的特点带来的问题:
如果一个VG中包含多个PV,PV做了条带化(stripe),创建的LV跨在不同的PV上,这样会导致下面的问题,例如:如果stripe是32K,db_block是8K,如果没有offset,则4个db_block就全在一个stripe里了,不会跨PV。而有了4K的offset,则肯定第四个db_block就跨stripe了,也就成了一个Oracle DB block跨在多个LUN/PV上了。
由于在建立了big vg之后,在建裸设备的时候没有加-T O的参数,导致裸设备的前4k用来做为logical volume control block,由于数据库的块大小是8k,而裸设备都没有加-T O参数,所以需要重建LV,不然的话由于一个数据块可能存在在stripe 的不同pv 上,可能导致系统crash 或意外停机后oracle 存在大量坏块而不可使用。