repository <------------------> working directory
hg help hg help -v (--verbose)
hg log hg log -r n (--rev)
hg log -v -r n -p (verbose, patch)
hg log -r n1:n2
hg clone from to
hg commit
hg incoming another-repo
hg pull another-repo
hg update
(hg pull -u)
The “hg pull” command that we ran in section 2.8.1 brought changes into the repository, but if we check, there’s no sign of those changes in the working directory. This is because “hg pull” does not (by default) touch the working directory. Instead, we use the “hg update” command to do this.
hg outgoing
hg push
hg heads
多个head,不能用hg update, 应该用 hg merge
hg commit
hg pull/push 作用于repository,需要hg update更新到working directory
hg merge作用于working directory, 需要hg commit更新到repository
hg init
hg status
hg add
hg remove
hg remove --after (missing file)
hg revert
hg addremove
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