from time import sleep,ctime >>> def loop0(): print( 'start loop 0 at:',ctime() ) sleep(4) print( 'loop0 done at :',ctime())
>>> def loop1(): print('start loop 1 at :',ctime()) sleep(2) print('loop1 done at:',ctime())
>>> def main(): print( 'start main at:',ctime()) loop0() loop1() print( 'All DONE at:',ctime() )
>>> if __name__ == '__main__': main()
('start main at:', 'Sat Nov 13 19:09:58 2010')
('start loop 0 at:', 'Sat Nov 13 19:09:58 2010')
('loop0 done at :', 'Sat Nov 13 19:10:02 2010')
('start loop 1 at :', 'Sat Nov 13 19:10:02 2010')
('loop1 done at:', 'Sat Nov 13 19:10:04 2010')
('All DONE at:', 'Sat Nov 13 19:10:04 2010')
from time import sleep,ctime >>> def loop0(): print( 'start loop 0 at:',ctime() ) sleep(4) print( 'loop0 done at :',ctime())
>>> def loop1(): print('start loop 1 at :',ctime()) sleep(2) print('loop1 done at:',ctime())
>>> def main(): print( 'start main at:',ctime() ) thread.start_new_thread( loop0, () ) thread.start_new_thread( loop1,()) sleep(6) print( 'all DONE at:',ctime() )
('start main at:', 'Sat Nov 13 19:14:30 2010')
('start loop 0 at:', 'Sat Nov 13 19:14:30 2010')
('start loop 1 at :', 'Sat Nov 13 19:14:30 2010')
('loop1 done at:', 'Sat Nov 13 19:14:32 2010')
('loop0 done at :', 'Sat Nov 13 19:14:34 2010')
('all DONE at:', 'Sat Nov 13 19:14:36 2010')
创建多线程的函数: thread.start_new_thread
需要的模块; import thread
start_new_thread(...) start_new_thread(function, args[, kwargs]) (start_new() is an obsolete synonym) Start a new thread and return its identifier. The thread will call the function with positional arguments from the tuple args and keyword arguments taken from the optional dictionary kwargs. The thread exits when the function returns; the return value is ignored. The thread will also exit when the function raises an unhandled exception; a stack trace will be printed unless the exception is SystemExit.
start_new_thread( 函数名,参数),即使不带入参数,也要带入参数表,可以使用" () "
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