First install rational (install before licensing)
Then open the license file, and find the server and daemon line
edit them to the appropriate information
ie. your real network name and the correct path to rational.exe
then put the flexlm.cpl in system32 dir.
Now put the license into installdir\common and run the install licensing.
Now goto control panel, and start the flexlm applet, setup your server
and start it. Test it with the status button, if it says:
: license server UP (MASTER)
its setup correct, otherwise double check your environment...
Now your ready to run your product :)
1. copy lmgrd.exe rational.exe license.dat to rose\common dir
2. copy flexlm.cpl to system32 dir
3. edit license.dat, modify rational.exe path and server name
4. control panel --> flexlm --> choose license dat file, rational.exe, lmgrd.exe path
--> start it
5. start rational license key administrator, import license from your local server
6. enjoy rational suit
- 先安装rose
- 然后找到rose2003crack文件夹,复制文件lmgrd.exe rational.exe license.dat到对应的安装目录. 复制flexlm.cpl文件到系统目录system32下
- 编辑rose2003crack文件夹下的文件lincense.dat,找到“SERVER MICROSOFT ANY DAEMON rational "C:\Program Files\Rational\common\rational.exe”句,将MICROSOFT改为你自己的计算机名,把rational的目录改为对应的目录,一定要注意大小写,这个东西只认识大写的计算机名,目录也是.
- 到控制面板找flexlm吧.
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