[日期:2005-2-1] 来源:21ICbbs 作者:lookuper [字体:大中小]
PID Function
The PID (比例、积分、微分) function is used in mainly
control applications. PIDCalc performs one iteration of the PID
While the PID function works, main is just a dummy program showing
a typical usage.
typedef struct PID {
double SetPoint; // 设定目标Desired value
double Proportion; // 比例常数Proportional Const
double Integral; // 积分常数Integral Const
double Derivative; // 微分常数Derivative Const
double LastError; // Error[-1]
double PrevError; // Error[-2]
double SumError; // Sums of Errors
} PID;
double PIDCalc( PID *pp, double NextPoint )
double dError,
Error = pp->SetPoint - NextPoint; // 偏差
pp->SumError += Error; // 积分
dError = pp->LastError - pp->PrevError; // 当前微分
pp->PrevError = pp->LastError;
pp->LastError = Error;
return (pp->Proportion * Error // 比例项
+ pp->Integral * pp->SumError // 积分项
+ pp->Derivative * dError // 微分项
Initialize PID Structure
void PIDInit (PID *pp)
memset ( pp,0,sizeof(PID));
Main Program
double sensor (void) // Dummy Sensor Function
return 100.0;
void actuator(double rDelta) // Dummy Actuator Function
void main(void)
PID sPID; // PID Control Structure
double rOut; // PID Response (Output)
double rIn; // PID Feedback (Input)
PIDInit ( &sPID ); // Initialize Structure
sPID.Proportion = 0.5; // Set PID Coefficients
sPID.Integral = 0.5;
sPID.Derivative = 0.0;
sPID.SetPoint = 100.0; // Set PID Setpoint
for (;;) { // Mock Up of PID Processing
rIn = sensor (); // Read Input
rOut = PIDCalc ( &sPID,rIn ); // Perform PID Interation
actuator ( rOut ); // Effect Needed Changes
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