// lnklst.c
// definition of queue functions
#include <stdlib.h> #include "lnklst.h"
struct basic_nod_t { struct basic_nod_t *next; };
static __inline struct basic_nod_t *find_prev_node(struct basic_nod_t *head, struct basic_nod_t *nod) { struct basic_nod_t *n = head; if(nod == NULL) return NULL; do { if(n->next == nod) return n; n = n->next; } while(n && (n != nod)); return NULL; }
void add_node_to(void **head, void *node, void *to, int before_or_after) { struct basic_nod_t **h = (struct basic_nod_t**)head; struct basic_nod_t *n = (struct basic_nod_t*)node; struct basic_nod_t *tt = (struct basic_nod_t*)to; if(node == NULL) return; if(*h == NULL) { *h = n; n->next = n; } else if(before_or_after == 0) { //move the 'moved' node to the place before 'to'
if(tt == NULL) tt = *h; if(*h == tt) *h = n; n->next = tt; find_prev_node(*h, tt)->next = n; } else if(before_or_after == 1) { //move the 'moved' node to the place after 'to'
if(tt == NULL) tt = find_prev_node(*h,*h); n->next = tt->next; tt->next = n; } }
void add_node(void **head, void *node) { add_node_to(head, node, NULL, 1); }
void del_node(void **head, void *node) { struct basic_nod_t **h = (struct basic_nod_t**)head; struct basic_nod_t *n = (struct basic_nod_t*)node; if(head == NULL) return; if(*h == NULL) return; if(n == *h) { if(n == n->next) { *h = NULL; return; } *h = n->next; } { struct basic_nod_t *tmp = find_prev_node(*h, n); if(tmp) tmp->next = n->next; } }
void move_node(void **head, void *moved, void *to, int before_or_after) { struct basic_nod_t **h = (struct basic_nod_t**)head; struct basic_nod_t *m = (struct basic_nod_t*)moved; struct basic_nod_t *tt = (struct basic_nod_t*)to; if( (h == NULL) || (*h == NULL) || (m == tt)) return; del_node(head, moved); add_node_to(head, moved, to, before_or_after); }
void sort_list(void **head, CMP_FUNC nodcmp) { struct basic_nod_t **h = (struct basic_nod_t**)head; struct basic_nod_t *nod1 = *h; struct basic_nod_t *nod2 = nod1->next; int swaped = 1; if(nod1 == nod1->next) return; while(swaped) { swaped = 0; while(1) { if((*nodcmp)(nod1, nod2) > 0) { move_node(head, nod1, nod2, 1); nod2 = nod1->next; swaped = 1; } else { nod1 = nod2; nod2 = nod2->next; } if(nod2 == *h) { nod1 = *h; nod2 = nod1->next; break; } } } }
void add_node_sorted(void **head, void *node, CMP_FUNC nodcmp) { struct basic_nod_t **h = (struct basic_nod_t**)head; struct basic_nod_t *n = (struct basic_nod_t*)node; struct basic_nod_t *tmp = *h; if((*nodcmp)(n, *h) < 0) { add_node_to(head, node, *h, 0); return; } if((*nodcmp)(n, find_prev_node(*head,*h)) >= 0) { add_node(head, node); return; } do { if((*nodcmp)(n, tmp) < 0) { add_node_to(head, node, tmp, 0); break; } else tmp = tmp->next; } while(tmp && (tmp != *h)); }
int get_node_count(void **head) { struct basic_nod_t **h = (struct basic_nod_t**)head; struct basic_nod_t *tmp = *h; int count = 0; if(h == NULL) return 0; if(*h == NULL) return 0; do { tmp = tmp->next; count++; } while(tmp && (tmp != *h)); return count; }