Wrong: Je n'ai dit pas
Right: Je n'ai pas dit
Explanation: French negatives have two parts: ne, which always goes in front of the conjugated verb, and a second part, such as pas, jamais, or personne, which follows the conjugated verb. In simple (one-word) conjugations like the present tense, this is very easy: je dis (I say) becomes je ne dis pas (I don't say) or je ne dis jamais (I never say).
However, in compound (two-word) conjugations like the passé composé, it's the helping verb (either avoir or être) that is conjugated - the main verb is just the past participle. Therefore, the second part of the negation has to follow the helping verb - it's not "je n'ai dit pas," but rather je n'ai pas dit. This is also true for dual-verb constructions: je ne veux pas travailler, not "je ne veux travailler pas."
je dis nous disons
tu dis vous dites
il dit ils disent
过去分词 dit
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