Server Windows xp系统,Apache,PHP,MySQL,
wordpress 3.3.1上传中文文件名文件:
错误信息:Warning:touch()[function.touch]: Unable to create file …because invalid argument
- <?php
- /*
- Plugin Name: Allow UTF-8 Filenames on Windows
- Plugin URI:
- Description: A workaround for correct uploading of files with UTF-8 names on Windows systems.
- Version: 0.1
- Author: Sergey Biryukov
- Author URI:
- */
- function autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows($filename, $utf8 = false) {
- if ( seems_utf8($filename) == $utf8 )
- return $filename;
- // On Windows platforms, PHP will mangle non-ASCII characters, see
- if ( 'WIN' == substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) ) {
- $codepage = 'Windows-' . trim( strstr( setlocale( LC_CTYPE, 0 ), '.' ), '.' );
- if ( function_exists( 'iconv' ) ) {
- if ( false == $utf8 )
- $filename = iconv( get_option( 'blog_charset' ), $codepage . '//IGNORE', $filename );
- else
- $filename = iconv( $codepage, get_option( 'blog_charset' ), $filename );
- } elseif ( function_exists( 'mb_convert_encoding' ) ) {
- if ( false == $utf8 )
- $filename = mb_convert_encoding( $filename, $codepage, get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );
- else
- $filename = mb_convert_encoding( $filename, get_option( 'blog_charset' ), $codepage );
- }
- }
- return $filename;
- }
- add_filter('wp_delete_file', 'autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows');
- add_filter('get_attached_file', 'autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows');
- function autfw_handle_upload_input($file) {
- $file['name'] = autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows($file['name']);
- return $file;
- }
- add_filter('wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'autfw_handle_upload_input');
- function autfw_handle_upload($file) {
- $file['file'] = autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows($file['file'], true);
- $file['url'] = autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows($file['url'], true);
- return $file;
- }
- add_filter('wp_handle_upload', 'autfw_handle_upload');
- function autfw_update_attached_file($file) {
- return autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows($file, true);
- }
- add_filter('update_attached_file', 'autfw_update_attached_file');
- function autfw_generate_attachment_metadata($metadata, $attachment_id) {
- $file = get_attached_file($attachment_id);
- remove_filter('wp_generate_attachment_metadata', 'autfw_generate_attachment_metadata');
- $metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $file);
- return autfw_update_attachment_metadata($metadata);
- }
- add_filter('wp_generate_attachment_metadata', 'autfw_generate_attachment_metadata', 10, 2);
- function autfw_update_attachment_metadata($metadata) {
- $metadata['file'] = autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows($metadata['file'], true);
- if ( !empty($metadata['sizes']) ) {
- foreach ( (array) $metadata['sizes'] as $size => $resized ) {
- $resized['file'] = autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows($resized['file'], true);
- $metadata['sizes'][$size] = $resized;
- }
- }
- return $metadata;
- }
- add_filter('wp_update_attachment_metadata', 'autfw_update_attachment_metadata');
- function autfw_update_post_metadata($foo, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value) {
- if ( '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes' != $meta_key )
- return null;
- foreach ( (array) $meta_value as $size => $resized ) {
- $resized['file'] = autfw_sanitize_file_name_for_windows($resized['file'], true);
- $meta_value[$size] = $resized;
- }
- remove_filter('update_post_metadata', 'autfw_update_post_metadata', 10, 4);
- update_metadata('post', $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
- return true;
- }
- add_filter('update_post_metadata', 'autfw_update_post_metadata', 10, 4);
- ?>
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