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2009-12-17 11:37:32


我的环境是rhel5.1 server i386,mysql使用从的rpm包。super-smack使用的是1.2和1.3,两个版本差不多,编译的时候要把/usr/lib64目录下的复制到/usr/lib目录下,而不是建立链接过去。super-smack 只能成功安装到32系统上,64位系统装不上。

使用下来感觉super-smack在我的rhel5u1 server i386+ mysql 5.1.22上运行会有很多错误,我不得不手工修改配置文件select-key.smack,不停的修改,不停的测试,终于成功运行。


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// this is will be used in the table section  这一段做了修改,主要是连mysql server:
client "admin"
user "smack";
host "";
db "smack";
pass "smack";
socket "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock"; // this only applies to MySQL and is
// ignored for PostgreSQL

// ensure the table exists and meets the conditions
table "http_auth"
  client "admin"; // connect with this client
// if the table is not found or does not pass the checks, create it
// with the following, dropping the old one if needed
  create "create table http_auth
    (username char(25) not null primary key,
     pass char(25),
     uid integer not null,
     gid integer not null
  min_rows "90000"; // the table must have at least that many rows
  data_file "http_auth.dat"; // if the table is empty, load the data from this file
// 原本data_file的值是words.dat,后来改成smack库里与http_auth同名的http_auth.dat文件,程序才能正常运行。(详细说明在文档尾部)
  gen_data_file "gen-data -n 90000 -f %12-12s%n,%25-25s,%n,%d";
// gen-data命令后面的字段是以逗号分隔,但是mysqlimport不支持以逗号分隔的文件,必须以Tab分隔,所以生成这个文件以后把所有逗号替换成TAB。(注:直接在上面的命令中把逗号替换成TAB是无效的)。
// if the file above does not exist, generate it with the above shell command
// you can replace this command with anything that prints comma-delimited
// data to stdout, just make sure you have the right number of columns

//define a dictionary
dictionary "word"
  type "rand"; // words are retrieved in random order
  source_type "file"; // words come from a file
  source "http_auth.dat"; // file location  这里的文件名也相应做改动
  delim "    "; // take the part of the line before , //把逗号改为一个TAB
  file_size_equiv "45000"; // if the file is greater than this
//divive the real file size by this value obtaining N and take every Nth
//line skipping others. This is needed to be able to target a wide key
// range without using up too much memory with test keys

//define a query
query "select_by_username"
  query "select * from http_auth where username = '$word'";
// $word will be substitute with the read from the 'word' dictionary
  type "select_index";
// query stats will be grouped by type
  has_result_set "y";
// the query is expected to return a result set
  parsed "y";
// the query string should be first processed by super-smack to do
// dictionary substitution

// define database client type 不知道这一段是做什么的,把mysql server的连接信息填进去
client "smacker1"
user "smack"; // connect as this user
pass "smack"; // use this password
host ""; // connect to this host
db "smack"; // switch to this database
socket "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock"; // this only applies to MySQL and is
// ignored for PostgreSQL
query_barrel "2 select_by_username"; // on each round,
// run select_by_username query 2 times

  smacker1.init(); // initialize the client
  smacker1.set_num_rounds($2); // second arg on the command line defines
// the number of rounds for each client
// first argument on the command line defines how many client instances
// to fork. Anything after this will be done once for each client until
// you collect the threads
// you must connect after you fork
  smacker1.unload_query_barrel(); // for each client fire the query barrel
// it will now do the number of rounds specified by set_num_rounds()
// on each round, query_barrel of the client is executed

// the master thread waits for the children, each child reports the stats
// the stats are printed
// the children now disconnect and exit
super-smack -d mysql select-key.smack 10 1000


[Copy to clipboard] [ - ]CODE:
super-smack -d mysql select-key.smack 10 1000
Table 'http_auth' does not meet condtions, will be dropped
Creating table 'http_auth'
Loading data from file '/var/smack-data/http_auth.dat' into table 'http_auth'
Error running query load data infile '/var/smack-data/http_auth.dat' into table http_auth fields terminated by ',':Can't get stat of '/var/smack-data/http_auth.dat' (Errcode: 2)
super-smack: aborting on failed query
gen-data -n 90000 -f %12-12s%n,%25-25s,%n,%d > /var/smack-data/http_auth.dat



[Copy to clipboard] [ - ]CODE:
Table 'http_auth' does not meet condtions, will be dropped
Creating table 'http_auth'
Loading data from file '/var/smack-data/http_auth.dat' into table 'http_auth'
Error running query load data infile '/var/smack-data/http_auth.dat' into table http_auth fields terminated by ',':Can't get stat of '/var/smack-data/http_auth.dat' (Errcode: 2)
super-smack: aborting on failed query
mysqlimport -L -usmack -psmack -h192.168.20.7 smack /var/smack-data/http_auth.dat

smack.http_auth: Records: 90000  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0

super-smack -d mysql select-key.smack 10 1000

Query Barrel Report for client smacker1
connect: max=112ms  min=14ms avg= 59ms from 10 clients
Query_type      num_queries     max_time        min_time        q_per_s
select_index    20000   5       0       1967.19
super-smack -d mysql update-select.smack 10 1000


[Copy to clipboard] [ - ]CODE:
Query Barrel Report for client smacker
connect: max=137ms  min=17ms avg= 76ms from 10 clients
Query_type      num_queries     max_time        min_time        q_per_s
select_index    10000   6       1       932.57
update_index    10000   7       0       932.57

在mysql 集群上测试select的性能:
在配置文件中的建表语句中加入“engine ndb“,然后运行select测试语句,系统输出:

[Copy to clipboard] [ - ]CODE:
Query Barrel Report for client smacker1
connect: max=600ms  min=20ms avg= 262ms from 10 clients
Query_type      num_queries     max_time        min_time        q_per_s
select_index    20000   12      2       650.54

[Copy to clipboard] [ - ]CODE:
Query Barrel Report for client smacker
connect: max=117ms  min=15ms avg= 75ms from 10 clients
Query_type      num_queries     max_time        min_time        q_per_s
select_index    10000   17      3       291.17
update_index    10000   42      3       291.17
1. 关于data_file变量的设置:
mysqlimport -L -usmack -psmack -h192.168.20.7 smack /var/smack-data/words.dat

然后系统会提示找不到smack.words表,也就是smack库下的words表。mysqlimport导入文件的时候把文件扩展名去掉,把文件名剩下的部分做为表名导入数据,实际上smack库里没有words这个表,所以我把这个变量的值改为http_auth.dat,然后再试着手工导入就一切 ok了:
mysqlimport -L -usmack -psmack -h192.168.20.7 smack /var/smack-data/http_auth.dat

2. 关于http_auth.dat文件:
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