2009-06-05 17:10:31
;; These pertain to setting and unsetting the variable,
;; `cscope-initial-directory', (location searched for the cscope database
;; directory):
;; C-c s a Set initial directory. 如果emacs搜索路径不完全,可以使用
;; C-c s A Unset initial directory.
;; These pertain to cscope database maintenance:
;; C-c s L Create list of files to index.
;; C-c s I Create list and index.
;; C-c s E Edit list of files to index.
(require 'xcscope)
2.3 为了能够执行cscope-indexer脚本,需要将它放到PATH变量指向的文件夹下,如/usr/bin,并确认该脚本具有执行权限!!!