一、 文件系统和裸设备
在Sybase中可以选择文件或裸设备作为数据库设备来使用。两者之间最大的区别在于如果采用文件作为数据库设备,在读写操作时,将可以使用操作系统提供的文件Cache,从而提高读写速度。但是,也正是由于这点,当服务器遭遇意外停电时,如果操作系统来不及将Cache中的数据回写到硬盘上,那么下次启动数据库时,可能会发生数据表损坏、索引损坏、严整的甚至无法启动Sybase。所以从安全角度而言,采用裸设备作为数据库设备将会更好一些。由于对裸设备而言,任何的读写操作将会在第一时间回写到硬盘上,因而不会受到断电的影响。同时,由于Sybase本身的transaction机制,保证了每一次操作的完整性(Sybase的transaction可以保证每一次数据库操作的完整性,但无法保证写到数据库设备上的数据被第一时间回写到硬盘),因此采用裸设备相对来说安全了许多。另外,由于裸设备无法使用操作系统的文件Cache,因此在读写性能方面将弱于数据库文件,但是可以通过在Sybase内建立Data Cache的方法来提高读写速度。Sybase的Data Cache和操作系统的文件读写Cache不是同一个概念,使用Data Cache将由Sybase自身来保证Cache中的数据和硬盘数据的同步,不会有丢失数据的问题(至少我没碰到过)。
二、 SCO Unixware对裸设备的限制
三、 在Unixware的第二块硬盘上建立裸设备
1、 确保物理连接,必要的RAID等操作,确定操作系统已经正确识别第二块硬盘。可以到/dev/dsk目录下用 ls –l 命令检查是否存在c0b0t1d0s*文件,如果存在说明操作系统已经识别出了第二块硬盘
2、 使用diskadd命令添加第二块硬盘、并建立分区(以下粗体部分为用户输入)
# [b]diskadd 1[/b]
UX:diskadd: INFO: You have invoked the System V disk management (s5dm)
diskadd utility.
The purpose of this utility is to set up additional disk drives.
This utility can destroy the existing data on the disk. Do you wish
to continue? (Type y for yes or n for no followed by ENTER): [b]y[/b]
The recommended default partitioning for your disk is:
a 100% "UNIX System" partition.
To select this, please type "y". To partition your disk
differently, type "n" and the "fdisk" program will let you
select other partitions. [b]y[/b]
Surface analysis of your disk is recommended but not required.
Do you wish to skip surface analysis? (y/n) [b]n[/b]
You will now be queried on the setup of your disk. After you
have determined which slices will be created, you will be
queried to designate the sizes of the various slices.
How many slices/filesystems do you want created on the disk (1 - 13)? [b]13[/b]
Please enter the absolute pathname (e.g., /home3) for
slice/filesystem 1 (1 - 32 chars)? [b]/h01[/b]
Enter the filesystem type for this slice (vxfs,ufs,s5,sfs), type 'na'
if no filesystem is needed, or press
; to use the default (vxfs): [b]na[/b]
Should /h01 be automatically mounted during a reboot?
Type "no" to override auto-mount or press ; to enable the option: [b]no[/b]
Please enter the absolute pathname (e.g., /home3) for
slice/filesystem 2 (1 - 32 chars)? [b]/h02[/b]
Enter the filesystem type for this slice (vxfs,ufs,s5,sfs), type 'na'
if no filesystem is needed, or press ; to use the default (vxfs): [b]na[/b]
Should /h02 be automatically mounted during a reboot?
Type "no" to override auto-mount or press ; to enable the option: [b]no[/b]
[i]说明:对于最后一个分区,输入目录(这里的目录必须要输入的,也就是以后建立文件设备时都放在这个目录下),选择操作系统(直接回车选择vxfs),选择block size(直接回车),回答是否在启动时自动mount(直接回车回答y)[/i]
Please enter the absolute pathname (e.g., /home3) for
slice/filesystem 13 (1 - 32 chars)? [b]/newdata[/b]
Enter the filesystem type for this slice (vxfs,ufs,s5,sfs), type 'na'
if no filesystem is needed, or press ; to use the default (vxfs):
Specify the block size from the the following list
(1024, 2048, 4096, 8192), or press ; to use the first one:
Should /newdata be automatically mounted during a reboot?
Type "no" to override auto-mount or press ; to enable the option:
You will now specify the size in cylinders of each slice.
(8 megabyte of disk space is approximately 1 cylinders.)
There are now 3074 cylinders available on your disk.
The filesystem type you have chosen is limited to 1048576 cylinders.
How many cylinders would you like for /h01 (0 - 3074)?
Press ; for 0 cylinders: [b]257[/b]
There are now 2817 cylinders available on your disk.
The filesystem type you have chosen is limited to 1048576 cylinders.
How many cylinders would you like for /h02 (0 - 2817)?
Press ; for 0 cylinders: [b]257[/b]
There are now 2800 cylinders available on your disk.
The filesystem type you have chosen is limited to 1048576 cylinders.
How many cylinders would you like for /newdata (0 - 2800)?
Press ; for 0 cylinders: [b]2800[/b]
You have specified the following disk configuration:
A /h01 filesystem with 257 cylinders (2049.0 MB)
A /h02 filesystem with 257 cylinders (2049.0 MB)
A /newdata filesystem with 2800 cylinders (22400.0 MB)
Is this allocation acceptable to you (y/n)? [b]y[/b]
Filesystems will now be created on the needed slices
Creating the /newdata filesystem on /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0sf
Allocated approximately 716768 inodes for this file system. Specify a
new value or press ; to use the default:
UX:diskadd: INFO: Diskadd for Disk Drive 2 DONE at Fri Sep 05 14:47:16 EDT 2004
四、 在Sybase中使用裸设备
用上述方法建立完分区后,可以用prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0s0来检查第二块硬盘的分区情况。可以看到其中第7第8两个分区系统已经占用了,因此可以使用作为裸设备的分区只有以下的12个(最后一个分区是文件系统,不是裸设备)
/dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0s1, /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0s2, /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0s3, /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0s4
/dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0s5, /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0s6, /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0s9, /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0sa
/dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0sb, /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0sc, /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0sd, /dev/rdsk/c0b0t1d0se
cd /dev/rdsk
chgrp sybase c0b0t1d0s*
chown sybase c0b0t1d0s*
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