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2009-06-03 15:06:55

Probably the most usage of SkyEye is to running linux on it and debug and analyse the linux image. If you want to do this way, firstly you should make sure your processor is supported by SkyEye. Secondly, you possibly have to unselect some options in linux menuconfig since not all the peripherals of your hardware platform are supported by SkyEye. If there is some unsupported hardware driver in your kernel image, maybe your kernel image is not stable or not runnable on SkyEye. So it is recommended that only the uart and timer drivers are selected in your kernel menuconfig. Then you can compile your kernel source and get an image such as linux.elf.

Consequently , we need to write a skyeye.conf for your hardware platform. If you want to know how to write it, please read . If you just only see what looks like when your kernel image run on SkyEye , just select a skyeye.conf from testcase of testsuite package that is same with your platform and copy it to the directory that your image is placed.
Then we can launch our kernel image and skyeye by the following command:

skyeye -e linux.elf -c skyeye.conf

If lucky, you will see your kernel image is running , that just like your kernel runs on yout real hardware platform.......
Now skyeye has four argument:
-e argument is to indicate the file name of kernel image run on SkyEye
-d argument means we can use gdb to remote debug this kernel .the default server TCP port is 12345.
-f argument is to indicate the config file name we will used.If skyeye.conf just is placed the same directory with skyeye , you can omit it.
-h argument just display help message.
skyeye.conf is used to config your skyeye simulation environment. According to various config options, we can create many different simulators to simulate varions development board. We can config architecture , processor, memory size ,netcard ,flash ,LCD etc to meet our boards that we want to simulate.If you do not know how to indicate these options ,just refer to config files in the testsuite or your hardware manual of your platform.
-h argument just display help message.


  • 单参数选项行
    symbol: value
  • 多参数选项行


# skyeye config file for S3C44B0X
cpu: arm7tdmi
cpu: cpuname
mach: s3c44b0x

mach: machinename
# physical memory
#mem_bank: map=F, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x00200000, file=./u-boot.flash
mem_bank: map=F, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x00030000, file=./u-boot/u-boot.bin
mem_bank: map=F, type=RW, addr=0x00030000, size=0x000c0000, file=./u-boot/uImage
mem_bank: map=F, type=RW, addr=0x000f0000, size=0x00110000, file=./u-boot/uInitrd
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x0c000000, size=0x00800000
一个内存组内的地址是连续的,类型分为RAM SPACE, ROM SPACE, mapped IO SPACE
mem_bank: map=M|I, type=RW|R, addr=0xXXXXXXXX, size=0xXXXXXXXX,file=imagefilename,boot=yes|no
  • map=M 表示 RAM/ROM SPACE, map=I 表示 mapped IO SPACE。
  • type=RW ,且如果map=M则表示RAM SPACE, type=R,且如果map=M则表示ROM SPACE。
  • addr=0xXXXXXX 表示内存组的起始物理地址(32bit,16进制)。
  • size =0xXXXXXX 表示内存组的大小(32bit,16进制) 。
  • file =imagefilename
    file的值imagefilename是一个字符串,实际上表示了一个文件,一般是一个可以执行的binary image格式的可执行程序或OS内核文件或是一个binary image格式的根文件系统。如果存在这个文件,SkyEye会把文件的内容直接写到对应的模拟内存组地址空间中。
  • boot=yes/no,如果boot=yes,则SkyEye会把模拟硬件启动后的第一条指令的地址定位到对应的内存组的起始地址。  

# peripherals I/O mapping area mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0x01c00000, size=0x00400000   # uart 0 uart: mod=stdio   # flash flash: type=SST39VF160, base=0x00000000, size=0x00200000, dump=./u-boot.flash


有关 SkyEye 的 Flash 模拟在 skyeye.conf 配置中写法:

1. Flash 模拟配置

# 物理内存类型须为 F
mem_bank: map=F, type=RW,  addr=0x00000000, size=0x00200000, file=./u-boot.bin

# type 为模拟的型号,具体详 README
# base 为起始地址,同上面 addr
# size 为内存大小,下面为 2M
# dump 为写入数据时需保存的文件(可选),当 type=28F128J3A 时无效
flash: type=SST39VF160, base=0x00000000, size=0x00200000, dump=./flash.dump

2. NandFlash 模拟配置

# 物理内存类型须为 M
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW,  addr=0x00000000, size=0x00800000, file=./u-boot.bin

# type 为模拟应用 CPU 类型
# name 为模拟的型号
# dump 同上述
# 这里没有直接指定物理内存的起止,请参考相应文档或源码
nandflash: type=s3c2410x, name=K9F1208U0B, dump=./nand.dump



ROM和RAM指的都是半导体存储器,ROM是Read Only Memory的缩写,RAM是Random Access Memory的缩写。ROM在系统停止供电的时候仍然可以保持数据,而RAM通常都是在掉电之后就丢失数据,典型的RAM就是计算机的内存。

   RAM有两大类,一种称为静态RAM(Static RAM/SRAM),SRAM速度非常快,是目前读写最快的存储设备了,但是它也非常昂贵,所以只在要求很苛刻的地方使用,譬如CPU的一级缓冲,二级缓冲。另一种称为动态RAM(Dynamic RAM/DRAM),DRAM保留数据的时间很短,速度也比SRAM慢,不过它还是比任何的ROM都要快,但从价格上来说DRAM相比SRAM要便宜很多,计算机内存就是DRAM的。

        DRAM分为很多种,常见的主要有FPRAM/FastPage、EDORAM、SDRAM、DDR RAM、RDRAM、SGRAM以及WRAM等,这里介绍其中的一种DDR RAM。DDR RAM(Date-Rate RAM)也称作DDR SDRAM,这种改进型的RAM和SDRAM是基本一样的,不同之处在于它可以在一个时钟读写两次数据,这样就使得数据传输速度加倍了。这是目前电脑中用得最多的内存,而且它有着成本优势,事实上击败了Intel的另外一种内存标准-Rambus DRAM。在很多高端的显卡上,也配备了高速DDR RAM来提高带宽,这可以大幅度提高3D加速卡的像素渲染能力。




        目前Flash主要有两种NOR Flash和NADN Flash。NOR Flash的读取和我们常见的SDRAM的读取是一样,用户可以直接运行装载在NOR FLASH里面的代码,这样可以减少SRAM的容量从而节约了成本。NAND Flash没有采取内存的随机读取技术,它的读取是以一次读取一快的形式来进行的,通常是一次读取512个字节,采用这种技术的Flash比较廉价。用户不能直接运行NAND Flash上的代码,因此好多使用NAND Flash的开发板除了使用NAND Flah以外,还作上了一块小的NOR Flash来运行启动代码。

    一般小容量的用NOR Flash,因为其读取速度快,多用来存储操作系统等重要信息,而大容量的用NAND FLASH,最常见的NAND FLASH应用是嵌入式系统采用的DOC(Disk On Chip)和我们通常用的“闪盘”,可以在线擦除。目前市面上的FLASH 主要来自Intel,AMD,Fujitsu和Toshiba,而生产NAND Flash的主要厂家有Samsung和Toshiba。





APPENDIX A: the content of skyeye.conf

# memmap.conf and skyeye.conf are all skyeye's hardware configuration files.
# memmap.conf is for skyeye-v0.2.5-
# skyeye.conf is for skyeye-v0.2.5+
# usually you don't need to change them.
# for example, a AT91's configuration file is shown below:
# below is the cpu config info
# cpu: maybe arm7tdmi or arm720t
cpu: arm7tdmi

# below is the machine(development board) config info
# machine(develop board) maybe at91 or ep7312
mach: at91

#NOTICE: this parameter is useless for skyeye-V0.3.1+
# have 7 memory bank (include RAM, ROM, mapped IO space)
# below is the memory config info
mem_num: 7
# map=M means ram/rom, map=I means mapped IO space,
# type=RW means can be read or written,
# type=R means read only,
# addr=0x..... means the mem bank's beginning address,
# size=0x..... means the mem bank's memory size, 
# file=... is the filesystem image file, used for uclinux4skyeye or armlinux4skyeye
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x00004000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x01000000, size=0x00400000
mem_bank: map=M, type=R, addr=0x01400000, size=0x00400000, file=./boot.rom
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x02000000, size=0x00400000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x02400000, size=0x00008000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x04000000, size=0x00400000
mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0xf0000000, size=0x10000000

#now, add more options on mem_bank
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x10000000, size=0x00000800, file=./loader.bin,boot=yes

PS:好像和上面的memnum: 7矛盾?因为有8块mem.
#start binary program at 0x100000000

# below is the net config info
# type: cs8900a, rtl8019, rtl8019_16, s3c4510b
# mac=.... means the mac addr in simulated NIC,
# ethmod=tuntap/vnet means the virtual driver used in host evnironment,
# hostip=... means the ip address in host environment to interactive with skyeye.
# format: type=xxxx mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ethmod=tuntap/vnet hostip=dd.dd.dd.dd
# *********NOTICE**********
# If you run two more skyeyes at the same time,
# please use different skyeye.conf for each skyeye instance, and only one
# skyeye run first and related skyeye.conf content has hostip value:
#     ......
#     net: ... ethmod=vnet, hostip=ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd
#  other skyeye.conf should has content(hostip[0] should be 0):
#     ......
#     net: ... ethmod=vnet, hostip=0.ddd.ddd.ddd
net: type=rtl8019, mac=0:4:3:2:1:f, ethmod=tuntap, hostip=

格式为 nic: state=on/off mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ethmod=tuntap/vnet hostip=dd.dd.dd.dd

  • state表示模拟开始后,网络芯片是否开始工作
  • mac表示模拟的nic的mac地址
  • ethmod表示skyeye所处主机上的网络模拟方式, 目前有tuptap和vnet两种模式。tuntap是linux kernel支持的一个点到点虚拟网络实现,vnet是skyeye实现的一个功能更多的一个基于虚拟HUB的网络。
  • hostip表示主机方与skyeye交互用的ip地址

# below is the uart config info
# mod: stdio, pipe(fd_in/fd_out), net
# converter: dcc
# example:
# uart: mod=stdio
# uart: mod=stdio, converter=dcc
# uart: fd_in=/dev/ttyS0, fd_out=/dev/ttyS0
# uart: mod=pipe, desc=/dev/ttyS0
# uart: mod=pipe, desc_in=/dev/tty8, desc_out=/dev/tty9
# uart: mod=net, desc_in=, desc_out=
# now you can use them to connect real serial port.
# you can add an option to skyeye.conf as below:
uart: fd_in=/dev/ttyS0, fd_out=/dev/ttyS0
#then use a terminal connect host's COM1, you can see the output in the terminal.

#add log parameter which is used to recode the instr. flow and regs when
#program are running.
log: logon=0, logfile=/tmp/sk1.log, start=100000, end=200000

格式为 nic: state=on/off mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ethmod=tuntap/vnet hostip=dd.dd.dd.dd

  • state表示模拟开始后,网络芯片是否开始工作
  • mac表示模拟的nic的mac地址
  • ethmod表示skyeye所处主机上的网络模拟方式, 目前有tuptap和vnet两种模式。tuntap是linux kernel支持的一个点到点虚拟网络实现,vnet是skyeye实现的一个功能更多的一个基于虚拟HUB的网络。
  • hostip表示主机方与skyeye交互用的ip地址
    #logon = 0 or 1 0:doesn't log, 1 do log
    #logfile: the filename which have the log info
    #start: the start point of instruction flow to log, should >=0
    #end:   the end   point of instructio flow to log

# below is the lcd config info
# type: au1100, ep7312, pxa, s3c2410x, s3c44b0x
# mod: gtk, win32, beos
lcd: type=ep7312, mod=gtk

# below is the touchscreen config info
touchscreen: type=skyeye, base=0xff00b000, size=0x20, int=17

# below is the sound config info
# It's recommended to turn on DBCT at the same time.
# example:
sound: type=s3c44b0x, mod=pcm, channels=2, bits_per_sample=16, samples_per_sec=22050

# below is the flash config info
# type: 28F128J3A, SST39LF160, SST39VF160, Am29LV160T-8, Am29LV160T-16,
#       Am29LV160B-8, Am29LV160B-16, Am29LV800T-8, Am29LV800T-16,
#       Am29LV800B-8, Am29LV800B-16
# dump: write to file when data written.
# example:
flash: type=Am29LV160T-16, base=0x00000000, size=0x02000000, dump=Am29.dump


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