本来想在服务器上安装一个veritas的备份软件,但是装好后,首先服务器异常,后来发觉是tmp目录下的权限被修改了,本应该是root:root权限,变成了bin:bin,修改回来后,服务器能正常启动,但是不能用Administrator Client去连,一连就宕机,后来搜集nsd,发现宕机地日志如下:
ptrgl._ptrgl() at 0xd01d4b58
raise.nsleep(??, ??) at 0xd01e3280
raise.nsleep(??, ??) at 0xd01e3280
sleep(??) at 0xd024cf88
fatal_error(??, ??, ??) at 0xd2977d0c
Panic(??) at 0xd293a30c
ItemValueToOrFrom(0x0, 0xc6796250, 0x332e332e, 0x5010501, 0x0) at 0xd296e35c
ServerDirLinkInfoGet(??, ??) at 0x10023354
DbServer(0x6b2be, 0x17800) at 0x100159ec
WorkThreadTask(??, ??) at 0x10054530
Scheduler(??) at 0x10043e7c
ThreadWrapper(??) at 0xd28ee360
pth_pthread._pthread_body(??) at 0xd00fa56c
后来查找IBM KB,查找到类似的错误信息,
Cause |
Solution |
This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# TDAS5E2J4J and has been addressed in Domino 6.0.2 and 6.0.2 CF1. Excerpt from the Fix List for Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Release 6.0.2 Maintenance Release (MR)
Server Administration - DB/Dir links SPR# TDAS5E2J4J - Fixed this problem so that a *.dir file requiring 2+ passes to send in a NetBfr will now avoid a PANIC.
In this case, based on the call to ServerDirLinkInfoGet, it appears the server is trying to reference what it believes to be a Domino Directory link (a ".dir" file in the Data directory that points to another physical directory on the machine). Looking in the data directory, we find this file:
which is simply a text file containing a listing of the data directory structure, including subdirectories. Because it has the ".dir" extension, the Domino server believed it was a Directory link and was attempting to reference the directory it expected to find within. However, the file did not contain a simple reference to another directory, such as "/home/server4/notesdata," and so the server crashed when trying to read in the data. Removing the file resolved the crash.
Supporting Information:
For further information, refer to the R5 Administrator's Guide (help5_admin.nsf) that comes with Domino R5; specifically, the section on creating/deleting directory links. Below is an excerpt from that Guide:
Directory links You can store databases in a directory outside the Domino data directory to take advantage of disk space available on other servers. Then you create a link that is in the Domino data directory and points to that directory. In the Domino data directory, users see the directory link MKTG.DIR as the subdirectory MKTG, with a directory folder icon next to it. Users who do not have access to a linked directory can see the directory link, but cannot access the directory. You can use a directory link on a Web server to point browser users to a directory outside the Domino data directory. When you create this link, you must specify access for browser users -- for example, specify access for anonymous users or enter the names of users who use name-and-password or SSL client authentication.
是由于数据目录下存在一些.dir扩展名的文件,但是不是手动创建指向一个实际的目录,后来查找nsd中发现数据目录下的确存在这种文件。./veritas/openv/java/jre/lib/fonts/fonts.dir。将其删除就OK. |
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