create table table_name
( col1 int not null auto_increment comment 'primary key',
col2 int not null default 1 comment 'test',
col3 varchar(20) not null default 'abc' comment 'col3',
updatetime timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
createtime datetime not null default current_timestamp unique key comment 'col4',
primary key(col1,createtime)
comment 'The table is test'
partition by range(year(createtime))
partition P201701 values less than (2017),
partition P201702 values less than (2018),
partition Pmax values less than maxvalue
create table ttt (date datetime)
partition by range (to_days(date)) (
partition p201201 values less than (to_days('2012-02-01')),
partition p201202 values less than (to_days('2012-03-01')),
partition p201203 values less than (to_days('2012-04-01'))
1.列comment 表comment 一定要有,方便以后查看具体含义
2. 主键使用int 自增(最大42亿行,大部分应该满足) bigint(1800亿亿行数据,一般用不到这么多数据)
3. not null default 尽量都要加上 unsigned 最好也添加上
4. 按时间分区表,时间字段必须是datetime或者date,不能使用timestamp 否则报错,主键必须是原主键+分区键,如果有其他唯一索引还需要添加到主键里面
ERROR 1486 (HY000): Constant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowed
5. select * from table_name partition (p2017); alter table table_name drop partition (p2017);
操作和oracle 差不多哦,
6. MySQL partitioning is optimized for use with the
YEAR(), and
TO_SECONDS() functions.
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