2.3 pgwatch
- 配置简单
- 大量的监控图表
- 快速系统检查面板
- 自动收集统计信息
- 交互式的 Flash 图表
- 集成 SQL worksheet
You will need a handful of components to make this work:
- Apache (webserver)
- PHP 5 (scripting language)
- pgsql extension for PHP (see )
- PostgreSQL 9 (to store the data we collect)
- dblink (contribution module for PostgreSQL 9)
- For now we only support PostgreSQL >= 9.0 databases.
Older systems cannot be monitored, however, we will
add support for future database releases.
How to set it up:
- Extract your package to your Apache directory
- Adjust ownership of your application if www-data is improper
- Open in browser the setup.php. It will lead you through the setup process.
- You can choose setup.sh in linux and setup.bat in windows as alternatives.
- Start the data collection daemon by adding the proper row to cron, something like:
0 * * * * cd /var/www/pgwatch/util && /usr/bin/php5 getraw_d.php
(But setup.sh will also remind you of it)
- Log into the website and click "configure" to add new database servers
/ databases to make sure that your daemon will pick up the statistics.
[root@zabbix util]# /usr/bin/php getraw_d.php
256: pgwatch_xml: given parameter is not a valid xml. in /var/www/html/pgwatch/classes/pgwatch_xml.php (18)<br/>
2.4 pg_statsinfo
pic1: Example of system installed with pg_statsinfo
pic2: Image of Functionary in pg_statsinfo
Statistics Snapshot
pg_statsinfo gathers statistics periodically and stores them as snapshots into a repository database. The repository can be in the same database with the monitored instance or in another instance. Also, one repository can store snapshots from multiple monitored instances.
Snapshots are gathered periodically (default: every 10 minutes) or by manual.
An event handler function is called after every snapshots taken. The function can be defined by users. A new snapshot can be compared with previous snapshots and raise alert messages in the function.
Snapshot holds the following statistics information:
All of the information collected by the statistics collector. For example, numbers of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE and buffer access counters.
Disk usages of each tablespace, pg_xlog, and archive log directory.
Long transactions and their query strings.
Process status in running, waiting for locks, idles in transaction, and idle.
Amount of WAL output size.
Number of CHECKPOINT ,VACUUM execution time and access of buffers.
SQLs and functions that take long time.
PostgreSQL configuration parameters.
OS resource information(Usage of CPU, Memory, Disk I/O, Load Average)
Lock information
Number of canceled queries which conflicts recovery
State fo replication
Size of a snapshot depends on the numbers of objects in DB. There are about 600 - 800kB per snapshot. In case of pg_statsinfo default settings, snapshots for each monitored DB requires 90 - 120MB per day.
Note that pg_statsinfo doesn't delete old snapshots. Please delete them manually.
Server Log Filter
Split server log lines according to the message levels. You can set different message threshold for csvlog, textlog, and syslog.
Fix filename of the textlog. The default is $PGDATA/pg_log/pg_statsinfo.log. You can always read the latest log in the same filename and setup of log monitoring tools would be easier.
Set arbitrary access permission for each textlog files. You can control the default permission not only 600.
Can change log level which was outputted Text log or syslog freely. For example, it can change log message ERROR level to INFO level. It is useful in missed operations.
We can set not to output log message which is specified user which is like database admin.
Alert Function
If database statistics is over threshold which was set by user, pg_statsinfo detect and write alert log in postgresql-log(message level is 'ALERT').
Alert function can set following alert parameter:
rollback / seconds
commit / seconds
garbage data size (MB)
garbage data size ratio(%)
garbage data size ratio in each tables (%)
average response time of queries (sec)
longest response time of queries (sec)
correlations of each tables (%)
maximum number of backends
empty disk space in table space (%)
load average
usage of disk swap (KB)
amount of replication delay (MB)
(*1) Correlation of table is judged by only clustered table which is in cluster index.
[root@zabbix ~]# rpm -ihv http://pgfoundry.org/frs/download.php/3545/pg_statsinfo-2.5.0-1.pg93.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
Retrieving http://pgfoundry.org/frs/download.php/3545/pg_statsinfo-2.5.0-1.pg93.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:pg_statsinfo ########################################### [100%]
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_statsinfo' # (change requires restart)
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' # log file name pattern,
[root@zabbix ~]# psql -U postgres -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements"
pg_statsinfo.snapshot_interval = 30min
[root@zabbix ~]#psql -U postgres -c "SELECT statsinfo.snapshot('comment')"
[root@zabbix ~]#pg_statsinfo -r All -h localhost -d postgres -p 5432 -U postgres
STATSINFO Report (host: zabbix, port: 5432)
/* Summary */
Database System ID : 6057121524883617775
Host : zabbix
Port : 5432
PostgreSQL Version : 9.3.4
Snapshot Begin : 2014-09-25 07:20:00
Snapshot End : 2014-09-25 07:21:43
Snapshot Duration : 00:01:43
Total Database Size : 168 MiB
Total Commits : 283
Total Rollbacks : 2
/* Database Statistics */
Database Name : postgres
Database Size : 8 MiB
Database Size Increase : 1 MiB
Commit/s : 0.788
Rollback/s : 0.019
Cache Hit Ratio : 99.100 %
Block Read/s (disk+cache) : 803.700
Block Read/s (disk) : 7.045
Rows Read/s : 824.670
Temporary Files : 0
Temporary Bytes : 0 MiB
Deadlocks : 0
Block Read Time : 0.000 ms
Block Write Time : 0.000 ms
Database Name : zabbix
Database Size : 150 MiB
Database Size Increase : 0 MiB
Commit/s : 1.868
[root@zabbix ~]# rpm -ihv http://pgfoundry.org/frs/download.php/3542/pg_stats_reporter-2.0.0-1.el6.noarch.rpm
Retrieving http://pgfoundry.org/frs/download.php/3542/pg_stats_reporter-2.0.0-1.el6.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:pg_stats_reporter ########################################### [100%]
[root@zabbix ~]# vi /etc/pg_stats_reporter.ini
; database connection
host = localhost
port = 5432
dbname = postgres
username = postgres
password = postgres
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