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2009-07-22 10:51:02

I really didn't feel that it guilin massage was an

appropriate suggestion,” she says, her soft, earnest voice acquiring a little steel. “I had no money but I was a student, not an itinerant. I found it shocking that she could send me somewhere like that.” Shortly afterwards, while skimming the hinterlands of the internet one evening, she came across a small “for adults only” advertisement. “But who were they kidding?” she says. “Anyone could click on. Look, I'm not naive but I found so many things from there on in shocking.”

So, barely weeks into her Spanish and Italian course, Laura, living with a boyfriend who is treated unsympathetically in the book, although initially he paid the rent and bills (“I was angry when I wrote it,” she says. “I was a bit severe but I don't think I was biased”), was running into serious financial difficulties - not just sick of having to eat pasta, she corrects me, but sick of not being able to eat at all.

Although French bureacracy makes it harder for students to find casual work there than in some other EU countries, Laura had a part-time telemarketing job that paid her

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