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Platform SDK: Windows Management Instrumentation
The Win32_BIOS WMI class represents the attributes of the computer system's basic input/output services (BIOS) that are installed on a computer.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.
class Win32_BIOS : CIM_BIOSElement
uint16 BiosCharacteristics[];
string BIOSVersion[];
string BuildNumber;
string Caption;
string CodeSet;
string CurrentLanguage;
string Description;
string IdentificationCode;
uint16 InstallableLanguages;
datetime InstallDate;
string LanguageEdition;
String ListOfLanguages[];
string Manufacturer;
string Name;
string OtherTargetOS;
boolean PrimaryBIOS;
datetime ReleaseDate;
string SerialNumber;
string SMBIOSBIOSVersion;
uint16 SMBIOSMajorVersion;
uint16 SMBIOSMinorVersion;
boolean SMBIOSPresent;
string SoftwareElementID;
uint16 SoftwareElementState;
string Status;
uint16 TargetOperatingSystem;
string Version;
This class has no methods.
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