OR EAX,00200000H
int main(int argc,char **argv)
unsigned long s1,s2;
unsigned char vendor_id[]="------------";
char sel;
printf("Select the function:\n1-------Read CPU id.\n2-------Disable CPU id.\n");
case '1':
asm xor eax,eax
asm cpuid
asm mov dword ptr vendor_id,ebx
asm mov dword ptr vendor_id[+4],edx
asm mov dword ptr vendor_id[+8],ecx
asm mov eax,01h
asm xor edx,edx
asm cpuid
asm mov s1,edx
asm mov s2,eax
asm mov eax,03h
asm xor ecx,ecx
asm xor edx,edx
asm cpuid
asm mov s1,edx
asm mov s2,ecx
case '2':
mov ecx,119h
or eax,00200000h
printf("CPU id is disabled.\n");
return 0;
//#define cpuid asm emit 0fh asm emit 0a2h
int GetProcessorSerialNumber(unsigned int processor, unsigned int &psn_00_31, unsigned int &psn_32_63, unsigned int &psn_64_95)
unsigned int wCPU_SerialNo_00_31 = 0;
unsigned int wCPU_SerialNo_32_63 = 0;
unsigned int wCPU_SerialNo_64_93 = 0;
#define PSN_FLAG 0x4000//(0x1 << 18)
int errCode = 0;
int psn_falg = PSN_FLAG;
DWORD_PTR dwThreadAffinitiMask = (0x1 << processor);
SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), dwThreadAffinitiMask);
mov eax,0
cmp ebx, 'uneG'
jne wrong_processor
cmp edx, 'Ieni'
jne wrong_processor
cmp ecx, 'letn'
jne wrong_processor
// now we have an Intel-Processor:
// get CPU feature flag..
mov eax,1
mov wCPU_SerialNo_64_93,eax
and edx,PSN_FLAG
cmp edx,PSN_FLAG
jne psn_not_supported_or_disabled
// get the PSN
mov eax,3
mov wCPU_SerialNo_32_63,edx
mov wCPU_SerialNo_00_31,ecx
jmp _exit_
mov errCode, 1;
jmp _exit_;
mov errCode, 2;
psn_00_31 = wCPU_SerialNo_00_31;
psn_32_63 = wCPU_SerialNo_32_63;
psn_64_95 = wCPU_SerialNo_64_93;
dwThreadAffinitiMask = 0xffffffff;
SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), dwThreadAffinitiMask);
return errCode;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
unsigned int psn_00_31;
unsigned int psn_32_63;
unsigned int psn_64_95;
int iRet = GetProcessorSerialNumber(0, psn_00_31, psn_32_63, psn_64_95);
_tprintf(_T("\nPSN (%d): %.8x-%.8x-%.8x\n"), iRet, psn_64_95, psn_32_63, psn_00_31);
return 0;
For more info see:
Intel?Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction
#include "cpuid.h"
#include "speed.h"
// Global Variable /////////////////////////////////////////////
int clone_flag; // Flag to show whether processor
// is an Intel clone
// Public DLL Functions ////////////////////////////////////////
* wincpuidsupport()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* 1 = CPUID opcode is supported
* 0 = CPUID opcode is not supported
WORD wincpuidsupport() {
int cpuid_support = 1;
_asm {
pushfd // Get original EFLAGS
pop eax
mov ecx, eax
xor eax, 200000h // Flip ID bit in EFLAGS
push eax // Save new EFLAGS value on
// stack
popfd // Replace current EFLAGS value
pushfd // Get new EFLAGS
pop eax // Store new EFLAGS in EAX
xor eax, ecx // Can not toggle ID bit,
jnz support // Processor=80486
mov cpuid_support,0 // Clear support flag
return cpuid_support;
} // wincpuidsupport()
* wincpuid()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* 0 = 8086/88
* 2 = 80286
* 3 = 80386
* 4 = 80486
* 5 = Pentium(R) Processor
* 6 = PentiumPro(R) Processor
* 7 or higher = Processor beyond the PentiumPro6(R) Processor
* Note: This function also sets the global variable clone_flag
WORD wincpuid() {
WORD cpuid;
if ( wincpuidsupport() ) // Determine whether CPUID
// opcode is supported
else {
cpuid=check_8086(); // Will return FFFFh or 0
if (cpuid == 0) goto end;
cpuid=check_80286(); // Will return FFFFh or 2
if (cpuid == 2) goto end;
cpuid=check_80386(); // Will return FFFFh or 3
if (cpuid == 3) goto end; // temporarily commented out.
cpuid=4; // If the processor does not support CPUID,
// is not an 8086, 80286, or 80386, assign
// processor to be an 80486
if (clone_flag)
cpuid = cpuid | CLONE_MASK; // Signify that a clone has been
// detected by setting MSB high
return cpuid;
} // wincpuid ()
* wincpuidext()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* AX(15:14) = Reserved (mask these off in the calling code
* before using)
* AX(13:12) = Processor type (00=Standard OEM CPU, 01=OverDrive,
* 10=Dual CPU, 11=Reserved)
* AX(11:8) = CPU Family (the same 4-bit quantity as wincpuid())
* AX(7:4) = CPU Model, if the processor supports the CPUID
* opcode; zero otherwise
* AX(3:0) = Stepping #, if the processor supports the CPUID
* opcode; zero otherwise
* Note: This function also sets the global variable clone_flag
WORD wincpuidext() {
int i=0;
WORD cpu_type=0x0000;
WORD cpuidext=0x0000;
BYTE vendor_id[12]="------------";
BYTE intel_id[12]="GenuineIntel";
if ( wincpuidsupport() ) {
_asm {
xor eax, eax // Set up for CPUID instruction
CPU_ID // Get and save vendor ID
mov dword ptr vendor_id, ebx
mov dword ptr vendor_id[+4], edx
mov dword ptr vendor_id[+8], ecx
for (i=0;i<12;i++)
if (!(vendor_id[i]==intel_id[i]))
clone_flag = 1;
_asm {
cmp eax, 1 // Make sure 1 is valid input
// for CPUID
jl end_cpuidext // If not, jump to end
xor eax, eax
inc eax
CPU_ID // Get family/model/stepping/
// features
mov cpuidext, ax
mov ax, cpuidext
else {
cpu_type = wincpuid(); // If CPUID opcode is not
cpuidext = cpu_type << 8; // supported, put family
// value in extensions and
} // return
return cpuidext;
} // wincpuidext()
* wincpufeatures()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* 0 = Processor which does not execute the CPUID instruction.
* This includes 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, and some
* older 80486 processors.
* Else
* Feature Flags (refer to App Note AP-485 for description).
* This DWORD was put into EDX by the CPUID instruction.
* Current flag assignment is as follows:
* bit31..10 reserved (=0)
* bit9=1 CPU contains a local APIC (iPentium-3V)
* bit8=1 CMPXCHG8B instruction supported
* bit7=1 machine check exception supported
* bit6=0 reserved (36bit-addressing & 2MB-paging)
* bit5=1 iPentium-style MSRs supported
* bit4=1 time stamp counter TSC supported
* bit3=1 page size extensions supported
* bit2=1 I/O breakpoints supported
* bit1=1 enhanced virtual 8086 mode supported
* bit0=1 CPU contains a floating-point unit (FPU)
* Note: New bits will be assigned on future processors... see
* processor data books for updated information
* Note: This function also sets the global variable clone_flag
DWORD wincpufeatures() {
int i=0;
DWORD cpuff=0x00000000;
BYTE vendor_id[12]="------------";
BYTE intel_id[12]="GenuineIntel";
if ( wincpuidsupport() ) {
_asm {
xor eax, eax // Set up for CPUID instruction
CPU_ID // Get and save vendor ID
mov dword ptr vendor_id, ebx
mov dword ptr vendor_id[+4], edx
mov dword ptr vendor_id[+8], ecx
for (i=0;i<12;i++)
if (!(vendor_id[i]==intel_id[i]))
clone_flag = 1;
_asm {
cmp eax, 1 // Make sure 1 is valid input
// for CPUID
jl end_cpuff // If not, jump to end
xor eax, eax
inc eax
CPU_ID // Get family/model/stepping/
// features
mov cpuff, edx
mov eax, cpuff
return cpuff;
} // wincpufea
* winrdtsc()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* 0 = CPU does not support the time stamp register
* Else
* Returns a variable of type TIME_STAMP which is composed of
* two DWORD variables. The 'High' DWORD contains the upper
* 32-bits of the Time Stamp Register. The 'Low' DWORD
* contains the lower 32-bits of the Time Stamp Register.
* Note: This function also sets the global variable clone_flag
struct TIME_STAMP winrdtsc() {
struct TIME_STAMP timestamp; // Return variable for time
// stamp read
DWORD features = wincpufeatures(); // Processor Features
timestamp.Low = 0;
timestamp.High = 0;
if ( features & 0x00000010 ) {
RDTSC // Read Time Stamp
MOV timestamp.Low, EAX
MOV timestamp.High, EDX
return timestamp;
} // winrdtsc
* getdllversion()
* Inputs: none
* Returns: Major and Minor version of this DLL.
* i.e. getdllversion() = 0x01 00
* Major Version<--|-->Minor Version
unsigned short getdllversion(void) {
unsigned short Version = VERSION;
return Version;
} // getdllversion()
// Internal Private Functions //////////////////////////////////
* check_clone()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* 1 if processor is clone (limited detection ability)
* 0 otherwise
static WORD check_clone()
short cpu_type=0;
MOV AX,5555h // Check to make sure this
XOR DX,DX // is a 32-bit processor
DIV CX // Perform Division
JNZ no_clone
JMP clone
no_clone: STC
clone: PUSHF
POP AX // Get the flags
XOR AL,1 // AL=0 is probably Intel,
// AL=1 is a Clone
MOV cpu_type, ax
cpu_type = cpu_type & 0x0001;
return cpu_type;
} // check_clone()
* check_8086()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* 0 if processor 8086
* 0xffff otherwise
static WORD check_8086()
WORD cpu_type=0xffff;
_asm {
pushf // Push original FLAGS
pop ax // Get original FLAGS
mov cx, ax // Save original FLAGS
and ax, 0fffh // Clear bits 12-15 in FLAGS
push ax // Save new FLAGS value on stack
popf // Replace current FLAGS value
pushf // Get new FLAGS
pop ax // Store new FLAGS in AX
and ax, 0f000h // If bits 12-15 are set, then
cmp ax, 0f000h // processor is an 8086/8088
mov cpu_type, 0 // Turn on 8086/8088 flag
je end_8086 // Jump if processor is 8086/
// 8088
mov cpu_type, 0ffffh
push cx
mov ax, cpu_type
return cpu_type;
} // check_8086()
* check_80286()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* 2 if processor 80286
* 0xffff otherwise
static WORD check_80286()
WORD cpu_type=0xffff;
_asm {
pop cx
mov bx, cx
or cx, 0f000h // Try to set bits 12-15
push cx // Save new FLAGS value on stack
popf // Replace current FLAGS value
pushf // Get new FLAGS
pop ax // Store new FLAGS in AX
and ax, 0f000h // If bits 12-15 are clear
mov cpu_type, 2 // Processor=80286, turn on
// 80286 flag
jz end_80286 // If no bits set, processor is
// 80286
mov cpu_type, 0ffffh
push bx
mov ax, cpu_type
return cpu_type;
} // check_80286()
* check_80386()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* 3 if processor 80386
* 0xffff otherwise
static WORD check_80386()
WORD cpu_type=0xffff;
_asm {
mov bx, sp
and sp, not 3
pushfd // Push original EFLAGS
pop eax // Get original EFLAGS
mov ecx, eax // Save original EFLAGS
xor eax, 40000h // Flip AC bit in EFLAGS
push eax // Save new EFLAGS value on
// stack
popfd // Replace current EFLAGS value
pushfd // Get new EFLAGS
pop eax // Store new EFLAGS in EAX
xor eax, ecx // Can't toggle AC bit,
// processor=80386
mov cpu_type, 3 // Turn on 80386 processor flag
jz end_80386 // Jump if 80386 processor
mov cpu_type, 0ffffh
push ecx
mov sp, bx
mov ax, cpu_type
and eax, 0000ffffh
return cpu_type;
} // check_80386()
* check_IDProc()
* Inputs: none
* Returns:
* CPU Family (i.e. 4 if Intel 486, 5 if Pentium(R) Processor)
* Note: This function also sets the global variable clone_flag
static WORD check_IDProc() {
int i=0;
WORD cpu_type=0xffff;
BYTE stepping=0;
BYTE model=0;
BYTE vendor_id[12]="------------";
BYTE intel_id[12]="GenuineIntel";
_asm {
xor eax, eax // Set up for CPUID instruction
CPU_ID // Get and save vendor ID
mov dword ptr vendor_id, ebx
mov dword ptr vendor_id[+4], edx
mov dword ptr vendor_id[+8], ecx
for (i=0;i<12;i++)
if (!(vendor_id[i]==intel_id[i]))
clone_flag = 1;
_asm {
cmp eax, 1 // Make sure 1 is valid input
// for CPUID
jl end_IDProc // If not, jump to end
xor eax, eax
inc eax
CPU_ID // Get family/model/stepping/
// features
mov stepping, al
and stepping, 0x0f //0fh
and al, 0f0h
shr al, 4
mov model, al
and eax, 0f00h
shr eax, 8 // Isolate family
and eax, 0fh
mov cpu_type, ax // Set _cpu_type with family
mov ax, cpu_type
return cpu_type;
} // Check_IDProc()