int main()
cout<<"Decryptix.(c)copyright 1999 Diberty";
cout<<"Associates,inc.version 0.2\n"<< endl;
cout<<"there two ways to play Decryptix: ";
cout<<"eight you can guess a pattern i create, ";
cout<<"or i can guess your pattern.\n\n";
cout<<"if you are guessing,i will think of a\n";
cout<<"pattern of letters (e.g., abcde).\n\n";
cout<<"on each turn,you guess the pattern and\n";
cout<<"i will tell you hoe many letters you \n";
cout<<"got right,and how many of the correct\n";
cout<<"letters were in the correct position.\n\n";
cout<<"the gole is to decode the puzzle as quickly\n";
cout<<"as possible.You control how many letters \n";
cout<<"Can be used and how many positions\n";
cout<<"(e.g.,5 possible letters in 4 positions) \n";
cout<<"as well as whether or noe the pattern might\n";
cout<<"contain duplicate letters (e.g.,aabcd).\n\n";
cout<<"if i'm guessing,you think of a pattern \n";
cout<<"and score each of my answers.\n\n";<< endl;
const int minLetters=2;
const int maxLetters=10;
const int minPositions=3;
const int maxPositions=10;
int howManyLetters=0, howManyPositions=0;
bool duplicatesAllowed=false;
int round=1;
cout<<"How many letters?(";
cout<<"minLetters <<"-"<< maxLetters << "): ";
cin >> howManyLetters;
cout<<"How many positions? (";
cout<<"minPositions << "-" << maxPositions << "): ";
cin >> howManyPositions;
char choice;
cout<<"Allow duplicates (y/n)? ";
cin >> choice;
return 0;
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