using namespace std;
int buysuit()//买套装的函数
int n;
cout<<"please input the number of suit:"< cin>>n;
cout<<"you should pay:"<<(n*80)<<"yuan"< else if(n<50)
cout<<"you should pay:"<<(n*90)<<"yuan"< return 0;
int buyfrock()//买上衣的函数
int f;
cout<<"please input the number of frock:"< cin>>f;
cout<<"you hsould pay:"<<(f*60)<<"yuan"< return 0;
int buytrouser()//买裤子的函数
int t;
cout<<"please input the number of trouser:"< cin>>t;
cout<<"you should pay"<<(t*45)<<"yuan"< return 0;
void main()
char c;
cout<<"which will you choice:"< cout<<"if you choice suit please input s"< cout<<"if you choice frock please input f"< cout<<"if you choice trouser please input t"< cin>>c;
case's': buysuit();break;
case'f': buyfrock();break;
case't': buytrouser();break;
default:cout<<"error input!";break;
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