Over and Under Run 当一个声卡活动时,数据总是连续地在硬件缓存区和应用程序缓存区间传输。但是也有例外。在录音例子中,如果应用程序读取数据不够快,循环缓存区将会被新的数据覆盖。这种数据的丢失被称为overrun.在回放例子中,如果应用程序写入数据到缓存区中的速度不够快,缓存区将会"饿死"。这样的错误被称为"underrun"。在ALSA文档中,有时将这两种情形统称为"XRUN"。适当地设计应用程序可以最小化XRUN并且可以从中恢复过来。
一个典型的声音程序 使用PCM的程序通常类似下面的伪代码: 打开回放或录音接口 设置硬件参数(访问模式,数据格式,信道数,采样率,等等) while 有数据要被处理: 读PCM数据(录音) 或 写PCM数据(回放) 关闭接口
Listing 2. Opening PCM Device and Setting Parameters
This example opens the default PCM device, sets some parameters, and then displays the value of most of the hardware parameters. It does not perform any sound playback or recording.
/* Use the newer ALSA API */ #define ALSA_PCM_NEW_HW_PARAMS_API
/* All of the ALSA library API is defined * in this header */ #include
int main() { int rc; snd_pcm_t *handle; snd_pcm_hw_params_t *params; unsigned int val, val2; int dir; snd_pcm_uframes_t frames;
/* Open PCM device for playback. */ rc = snd_pcm_open(&handle, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open pcm device: %s\n", snd_strerror(rc)); exit(1); }
/* Allocate a hardware parameters object. */ snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca(¶ms);
/* Fill it in with default values. */ snd_pcm_hw_params_any(handle, params);
/* Write the parameters to the driver */ rc = snd_pcm_hw_params(handle, params); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set hw parameters: %s\n", snd_strerror(rc)); exit(1); }
/* Display information about the PCM interface */
printf("PCM handle name = '%s'\n", snd_pcm_name(handle));
printf("PCM state = %s\n", snd_pcm_state_name(snd_pcm_state(handle)));
snd_pcm_hw_params_get_access(params, (snd_pcm_access_t *) &val); printf("access type = %s\n", snd_pcm_access_name((snd_pcm_access_t)val));
This example reads standard from input and writes to the default PCM device for 5 seconds of data.
/* Use the newer ALSA API */ #define ALSA_PCM_NEW_HW_PARAMS_API
int main() { long loops; int rc; int size; snd_pcm_t *handle; snd_pcm_hw_params_t *params; unsigned int val; int dir; snd_pcm_uframes_t frames; char *buffer;
/* Open PCM device for playback. */ rc = snd_pcm_open(&handle, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open pcm device: %s\n", snd_strerror(rc)); exit(1); }
/* Allocate a hardware parameters object. */ snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca(¶ms);
/* Fill it in with default values. */ snd_pcm_hw_params_any(handle, params);
/* Set period size to 32 frames. */ frames = 32; snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(handle, params, &frames, &dir);
/* Write the parameters to the driver */ rc = snd_pcm_hw_params(handle, params); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set hw parameters: %s\n", snd_strerror(rc)); exit(1); }
/* Use a buffer large enough to hold one period */ snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_size(params, &frames, &dir); size = frames * 4; /* 2 bytes/sample, 2 channels */ buffer = (char *) malloc(size);
/* We want to loop for 5 seconds */ snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_time(params, &val, &dir); /* 5 seconds in microseconds divided by * period time */ loops = 5000000 / val;
while (loops > 0) { loops--; rc = read(0, buffer, size); if (rc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "end of file on input\n"); break; } else if (rc != size) { fprintf(stderr, "short read: read %d bytes\n", rc); } rc = snd_pcm_writei(handle, buffer, frames); if (rc == -EPIPE) { /* EPIPE means underrun */ fprintf(stderr, "underrun occurred\n"); snd_pcm_prepare(handle); } else if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error from writei: %s\n", snd_strerror(rc)); } else if (rc != (int)frames) { fprintf(stderr, "short write, write %d frames\n", rc); } }
This example reads from the default PCM device and writes to standard output for 5 seconds of data.
/* Use the newer ALSA API */ #define ALSA_PCM_NEW_HW_PARAMS_API
int main() { long loops; int rc; int size; snd_pcm_t *handle; snd_pcm_hw_params_t *params; unsigned int val; int dir; snd_pcm_uframes_t frames; char *buffer;
/* Open PCM device for recording (capture). */ rc = snd_pcm_open(&handle, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, 0); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open pcm device: %s\n", snd_strerror(rc)); exit(1); }
/* Allocate a hardware parameters object. */ snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca(¶ms);
/* Fill it in with default values. */ snd_pcm_hw_params_any(handle, params);
/* Set period size to 32 frames. */ frames = 32; snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(handle, params, &frames, &dir);
/* Write the parameters to the driver */ rc = snd_pcm_hw_params(handle, params); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set hw parameters: %s\n", snd_strerror(rc)); exit(1); }
/* Use a buffer large enough to hold one period */ snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_size(params, &frames, &dir); size = frames * 4; /* 2 bytes/sample, 2 channels */ buffer = (char *) malloc(size);
/* We want to loop for 5 seconds */ snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_time(params, &val, &dir); loops = 5000000 / val;
while (loops > 0) { loops--; rc = snd_pcm_readi(handle, buffer, frames); if (rc == -EPIPE) { /* EPIPE means overrun */ fprintf(stderr, "overrun occurred\n"); snd_pcm_prepare(handle); } else if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error from read: %s\n", snd_strerror(rc)); } else if (rc != (int)frames) { fprintf(stderr, "short read, read %d frames\n", rc); } rc = write(1, buffer, size); if (rc != size) fprintf(stderr, "short write: wrote %d bytes\n", rc); }
总结 我希望这篇文章能够激励你尝试编写某些ALSA程序。伴随着2.6内核在Linux发布版本(distributions)中被广泛地使用,ALSA也将被广泛地采用。它的高级特征将帮助Linux音频程序更好地向前发展。 Jaroslav Kysela和Takashi lwai帮助查阅了本文的草稿并提出了宝贵的意见,在此表示感谢。