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  • 博客访问: 65507
  • 博文数量: 31
  • 博客积分: 1415
  • 博客等级: 上尉
  • 技术积分: 320
  • 用 户 组: 普通用户
  • 注册时间: 2009-05-23 09:13




分类: C/C++

2009-05-23 20:12:25



const UINT32 m1  = 0x55555555;  // 01010101010101010101010101010101
const UINT32 m2 = 0x33333333; // 00110011001100110011001100110011
const UINT32 m4 = 0x0f0f0f0f; // 00001111000011110000111100001111
const UINT32 m8 = 0x00ff00ff; // 00000000111111110000000011111111
const UINT32 m16 = 0x0000ffff; // 00000000000000001111111111111111

/* This is a naive implementation, shown for comparison, and to help in
* understanding the better functions. It uses 20 arithmetic operations
* (shift, add, and).

int popcount_1(UINT32 x)
x = (x & m1) + ((x >> 1) & m1); /*第一步*/
x = (x & m2) + ((x >> 2) & m2); /*第二步*/
x = (x & m4) + ((x >> 4) & m4); /*第三步*/
x = (x & m8) + ((x >> 8) & m8);
x = (x & m16) + ((x >> 16) & m16);
return x;



第一步:把x的32个bit分成16组(第32bit和第31bit一组,第30bit和第29bit一组……以此类推),然后将每一组的两bit 上的值(因为是二进制数,所以要么是0要么是1)相加并把结果还放在这两bit的位置上,这样,得到结果整数x1,x1的二进制(32bit)可以分为 16组,每一组的数值就是原来整数x在那两bit上1的个数。

第二步:把第一步得到的结果x1的32bit,分成8组(第32、31、30、29bit一组,第28、27、26、25bit一组……以此类 推),然后每一组的四bit上的值相加并把结果还放在这四bit的位置上,这样,又得到结果整数x2,x2的二进制可以分为8组,每一组的数值就是原来整 数x在那四bit上的1的个数。





/* ============================================
* Problem:
*   The fastest way to count how many 1s in a 32-bits integer.
* Algorithm:
*   The problem equals to calculate the Hamming weight of a 32-bits integer,
*   or the Hamming distance between a 32-bits integer and 0. In binary cases,
*   it is also called the population count, or popcount.[1]
*   The best solution known are based on adding counts in a tree pattern
*   (divide and conquer). Due to space limit, here is an example for a
*   8-bits binary number A=01101100:[1]
* | Expression            | Binary   | Decimal | Comment                    |
* | A                     | 01101100 |         | the original number        |
* | B = A & 01010101      | 01000100 | 1,0,1,0 | every other bit from A     |
* | C = (A>>1) & 01010101 | 00010100 | 0,1,1,0 | remaining bits from A      |
* | D = B + C             | 01011000 | 1,1,2,0 | # of 1s in each 2-bit of A |
* | E = D & 00110011      | 00010000 | 1,0     | every other count from D   |
* | F = (D>>2) & 00110011 | 00010010 | 1,2     | remaining counts from D    |
* | G = E + F             | 00100010 | 2,2     | # of 1s in each 4-bit of A |
* | H = G & 00001111      | 00000010 | 2       | every other count from G   |
* | I = (G>>4) & 00001111 | 00000010 | 2       | remaining counts from G    |
* | J = H + I             | 00000100 | 4       | No. of 1s in A             |
* Hence A have 4 1s.
* [1]
* =============================================

typedef unsigned int UINT32;

const UINT32 c2m1 = 0×1; // 01

const UINT32 c4m1 = 0×5;  //0101
const UINT32 c4m2 = 0×3;  //0011

const UINT32 c8m1 = 0×55; //01010101
const UINT32 c8m2 = 0×33; //00110011
const UINT32 c8m4 = 0×0f; //00001111

const UINT32 c16m1 = 0×5555; //0101010101010101
const UINT32 c16m2 = 0×3333; //0011001100110011
const UINT32 c16m4 = 0×0f0f; //0000111100001111
const UINT32 c16m8 = 0×00ff; //0000000011111111

const UINT32 c32m1  = 0×55555555;  // 01010101010101010101010101010101
const UINT32 c32m2  = 0×33333333;  // 00110011001100110011001100110011
const UINT32 c32m4  = 0×0f0f0f0f;  // 00001111000011110000111100001111
const UINT32 c32m8  = 0×00ff00ff;  // 00000000111111110000000011111111
const UINT32 c32m16 = 0×0000ffff;  // 00000000000000001111111111111111
const UINT32 c64m1  = 0×5555555555555555; //
const UINT32 c64m2  = 0×3333333333333333; //
const UINT32 c64m4  = 0×0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f; //
const UINT32 c64m8  = 0×00ff00ff00ff00ff; //
const UINT32 c64m16 = 0×0000ffff0000ffff; //
const UINT32 c64m32 = 0×00000000ffffffff; //
int popcount_2(UINT32 x)
x = (x & c2m1) + ((x>>1) & c2m1);
return (int)x;

int popcount_4(UINT32 x)
x = (x & c4m1) + ((x>>1) & c4m1);
x = (x & c4m2) + ((x>>2) & c4m2);
return (int)x;

int popcount_8(UINT32 x)
x = (x & c8m1) + ((x>>1) & c8m1);
x = (x & c8m2) + ((x>>2) & c8m2);
x = (x & c8m4) + ((x>>4) & c8m4);
return (int)x;

int popcount_16(UINT32 x)
x = (x & c16m1) + ((x>>1) & c16m1);
x = (x & c16m2) + ((x>>2) & c16m2);
x = (x & c16m4) + ((x>>4) & c16m4);
x = (x & c16m8) + ((x>>8) & c16m8);
return (int)x;

int popcount_32(UINT32 x)
x = (x & c32m1) + ((x >> 1) & c32m1);
x = (x & c32m2) + ((x >> 2) & c32m2);
x = (x & c32m4) + ((x >> 4) & c32m4);
x = (x & c32m8) + ((x >> 8) & c32m8);
x = (x & c32m16) + ((x >> 16) & c32m16);
return (int)x;
int popcount_64(UINT32 x)
x = (x & c64m1) + ((x >> 1) & c64m1);
x = (x & c64m2) + ((x >> 2) & c64m2);
x = (x & c64m4) + ((x >> 4) & c64m4);
x = (x & c64m8) + ((x >> 8) & c64m8);
x = (x & c64m16) + ((x >> 16) & c64m16);
x = (x & c64m32) + ((x >> 32) & c64m32);
return (int)x;


int my(UINT32 x)
int nCount = 0;
int i = 1;
for(i = 1; i != 0×80000000 ; i=i<<1)
return nCount;

int main()
UINT32 intx= 0;

printf(”List for 2 bit number:\n”);
for(intx = 0; intx!=0×3; intx++)
if(my(intx) != (int)popcount_2(intx))
printf(”No.%d : real count %d; popcount_2 = %d\n”,intx,my(intx),popcount_2(intx));

printf(”List for 4 bit number:\n”);
for(intx = 0; intx!=0xf; intx++)
if(my(intx) != (int)popcount_4(intx))
printf(”No.%d : real count %d; popcount_4 = %d\n”,intx,my(intx),popcount_4(intx));

printf(”List for 8 bit number:\n”);
for(intx = 0; intx!=0xff; intx++)
if(my(intx) == (int)popcount_8(intx))
printf(”No.%d : real count %d; popcount_8 = %d\n”,intx,my(intx),popcount_8(intx));

printf(”List for 16 bit number:\n”);
for(intx = 0; intx!=0xffff; intx++)
if(my(intx) != (int)popcount_16(intx))
printf(”No.%d : real count %d; popcount_16 = %d\n”,intx,my(intx),popcount_16(intx));

printf(”List for 32 bit number:\n”);
for(intx = 0; intx!=0xffffffff; intx++)
if(my(intx) != (int)popcount_32(intx))
printf(”No.%d : real count %d; popcount_32 = %d\n”,intx,my(intx),popcount_32(intx));

return 0;


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