3 重要数据结构
3.1 ip_vs_conn
* IP_VS structure allocated for each dynamically scheduled connection每一个动态的连接会
struct ip_vs_conn {
struct list_head c_list; /* hashed list heads */
/* Protocol, addresses and port numbers */
u16 af; /* address family */
union nf_inet_addr caddr; /* client address */
union nf_inet_addr vaddr; /* virtual address */
union nf_inet_addr daddr; /* destination address */
__be16 cport; /*客户端的端口*/
__be16 vport; /*IPVS的端口*/
__be16 dport; /*RS的端口*/
__u16 protocol; /* Which protocol (TCP/UDP)协议号 */
/* counter and timer ip_vs_conn对象的使用计数。其初值为1,__ip_vs_conn_in_get/__ip_vs_conn_put成对调用 */
atomic_t refcnt; /* reference count */
struct timer_list timer; /* Expiration timerip_vs_conn对象的生存期,当timer到期时,对象被销毁 */
volatile unsigned long timeout; /* timeoutip_vs_conn对象动态的超时时间,每当对象操作完毕,timeout值用来更新timer,以延长对象的生存期。timeout受连接状态等的影响 */
/* Flags and state transition */
spinlock_t lock; /* lock for state transition */
volatile __u16 flags; /* status flags */
volatile __u16 state; /* state info */
volatile __u16 old_state; /* old state, to be used for
* state transition triggerd
* synchronization
/* Control members */
struct ip_vs_conn *control; /* Master control connection */
atomic_t n_control; /* Number of controlled ones */
struct ip_vs_dest *dest; /* real server 指向此连接对象对应的ip_vs_dest对象*/
atomic_t in_pkts; /* incoming packet counter */
/* packet transmitter for different forwarding methods. If it
mangles the packet, it must return NF_DROP or better NF_STOLEN,
otherwise this must be changed to a sk_buff **.
int (*packet_xmit)(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ip_vs_conn *cp,
struct ip_vs_protocol *pp); /*不同的发包函数,三种模式对应三个不同的发包函数*/
/* Note: we can group the following members into a structure,
in order to save more space, and the following members are
only used in VS/NAT anyway */
struct ip_vs_app *app; /* bound ip_vs_app object */
void *app_data; /* Application private data */
struct ip_vs_seq in_seq; /* incoming seq. struct */
struct ip_vs_seq out_seq; /* outgoing seq. struct */
3.2 ip_vs_dest
* The real server destination forwarding entry
* with ip address, port number, and so on.该结构体主要描述的是real server的相关信息,也是ipvsdm配置的到内核的相关信息
struct ip_vs_dest {
struct list_head n_list; /* for the dests in the service */
struct list_head d_list; /* for table with all the dests t是全局hash链表ip_vs_rtable的一个节点*/
u16 af; /* address family 地址的协议族 AF_INET/AF_INET6 */
union nf_inet_addr addr; /* IP address of the server Real Server 的地址 */
__be16 port; /* port number of the server Real Server 端口号 */
volatile unsigned flags; /* dest status flags */
/*ip_vs_dest对象的连接标志位。这些标志位本身不是用来标示 ip_vs_dest对象的,而是由ip_vs_dest对象创建ip_vs_conn对象时,赋给后者的。IP_VS_CONN_F_MASQ、 IP_VS_CONN_F_TUNNEL和IP_VS_CONN_F_DROUTE,分别代表NAT、TUN和DR三种模式*/
atomic_t conn_flags; /* flags to copy to conn */
atomic_t weight; /* server weight 权重用于调度*/
atomic_t refcnt; /* reference counter */
struct ip_vs_stats stats; /* statistics */
/* connection counters and thresholds 连接的统计和阈值 */
atomic_t activeconns; /* active connections */
atomic_t inactconns; /* inactive connections */
atomic_t persistconns; /* persistent connections */
__u32 u_threshold; /* upper threshold */
__u32 l_threshold; /* lower threshold */
/* for destination cache */
spinlock_t dst_lock; /* lock of dst_cache */
struct dst_entry *dst_cache; /* destination cache entry */
u32 dst_rtos; /* RT_TOS(tos) for dst */
/* for virtual service LVS的相关信息*/
struct ip_vs_service *svc; /* service it belongs to */
__u16 protocol; /* which protocol (TCP/UDP) */
union nf_inet_addr vaddr; /* virtual IP address */
__be16 vport; /* virtual port number */
__u32 vfwmark; /* firewall mark of service 防火墙标志*/
3. 3 ip_vs_service_user_kern
下面这个结构体主要是用户空间向内核空间发送IPVS Server的相关配置。
struct ip_vs_service_user_kern {
/* virtual service addresses */
u16 af;
u16 protocol;
union nf_inet_addr addr; /* virtual ip address */
u16 port;
u32 fwmark; /* firwall mark of service */
/* virtual service options */
char *sched_name;
unsigned flags; /* virtual service flags */
unsigned timeout; /* persistent timeout in sec */
u32 netmask; /* persistent netmask */
3.4 ip_vs_dest_user_kern
下面这个结构主要是用户空间向内核空间发送Real Server的相关数据使用。
struct ip_vs_dest_user_kern {
/* destination server address */
union nf_inet_addr addr;
u16 port;
/* real server options */
unsigned conn_flags; /* connection flags */
int weight; /* destination weight */
/* thresholds for active connections */
u32 u_threshold; /* upper threshold */
u32 l_threshold; /* lower threshold */
3.5 ip_vs_service
* The information about the virtual service offered to the net
* and the forwarding entries
struct ip_vs_service {
/*s_list是全局hash链表ip_vs_svc_table的一个节点 static struct list_head ip_vs_svc_table[IP_VS_SVC_TAB_SIZE]; 它是一个数组,每个成员是一个链表头。将ip_vs_service对象的协议类型、地址和端口进行hash,hash值作为数组下标,然后将此对象置入数组成员对应的链表中。*/
struct list_head s_list; /* for normal service table */
struct list_head f_list; /* for fwmark-based service table */
/*refcnt和usecnt分别是ip_vs_service对象的引用计数和使用计数。它们是atomic_t类型的变量。refcnt在对象新建时为0,当ip_vs_service对象被加入链表或从链表删除,或者被 ip_vs_dest对象引用时,refcnt相应地增或减1。usecnt初始化为1*/
atomic_t refcnt; /* reference counter */
atomic_t usecnt; /* use counter */
u16 af; /* address family 地址族*/
__u16 protocol; /* which protocol (TCP/UDP) */
union nf_inet_addr addr; /* IP address for virtual service 虚拟服务器的地址 */
__be16 port; /* port number for the service 虚拟服务器的端口号*/
__u32 fwmark; /* firewall mark of the service */
/*ip_vs_service对象的状态标志位,可以取IP_VS_SVC_F_PERSISTENT和 IP_VS_SVC_F_HASHED。前者表示IPVS服务使用了基于IP地址的会话保持,即同一IP地址发起的连接将被负载到同一台真实服务器上。后 者表示ip_vs_service对象已被加入到ip_vs_svc_table链表中*/
unsigned flags; /* service status flags */
/*timeout和netmask只有在IP_VS_SVC_F_PERSISTENT标志位被设置时才有效, timeout是会话的超时时间,超过 此时间后,会话将不再有效。同一IP地址发起的两个连接,如果间隔超过此时间,则未必会被负载到同一台真实服务器上*/
unsigned timeout; /* persistent timeout in ticks */
/*netmask可以将会话保持设置成 基于IP网段的,即同一网段发起的连接将被负载到同一台真实服务器上。*/
__be32 netmask; /* grouping granularity */
struct list_head destinations; /* real server d-linked list */
__u32 num_dests; /* number of servers */
struct ip_vs_stats stats; /* statistics for the service */
struct ip_vs_app *inc; /* bind conns to this app inc */
/* for scheduling 指向了一个ip_vs_scheduler对象,它代指一种调度算法*/
struct ip_vs_scheduler *scheduler; /* bound scheduler object */
rwlock_t sched_lock; /* lock sched_data */
void *sched_data; /* scheduler application data */
3.6 ip_vs_dest_user_kern
struct ip_vs_dest_user_kern {
/* destination server address */
union nf_inet_addr addr;
__be16 port;
/* real server options */
unsigned int conn_flags; /* connection flags */
int weight; /* destination weight */
/* thresholds for active connections */
u32 u_threshold; /* upper threshold */
u32 l_threshold; /* lower threshold */
/* Address family of addr */
u16 af;
3.7 ip_vs_service_user_kern
struct ip_vs_service_user_kern {
/* virtual service addresses */
u16 af;
u16 protocol;
union nf_inet_addr addr; /* virtual ip address */
__be16 port;
u32 fwmark; /* firwall mark of service */
/* virtual service options */
char *sched_name;
char *pe_name;
unsigned int flags; /* virtual service flags */
unsigned int timeout; /* persistent timeout in sec */
__be32 netmask; /* persistent netmask or plen */
3.8 ip_vs_protocol
struct ip_vs_protocol {
struct ip_vs_protocol *next;
char *name;
u16 protocol;
u16 num_states;
int dont_defrag;
void (*init)(struct ip_vs_protocol *pp);
void (*exit)(struct ip_vs_protocol *pp);
int (*init_netns)(struct net *net, struct ip_vs_proto_data *pd);
void (*exit_netns)(struct net *net, struct ip_vs_proto_data *pd);
int (*conn_schedule)(int af, struct sk_buff *skb,
struct ip_vs_proto_data *pd,
int *verdict, struct ip_vs_conn **cpp,
struct ip_vs_iphdr *iph);
struct ip_vs_conn *
(*conn_in_get)(int af,
const struct sk_buff *skb,
const struct ip_vs_iphdr *iph,
int inverse);
struct ip_vs_conn *
(*conn_out_get)(int af,
const struct sk_buff *skb,
const struct ip_vs_iphdr *iph,
int inverse);
int (*snat_handler)(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ip_vs_protocol *pp,
struct ip_vs_conn *cp, struct ip_vs_iphdr *iph);
int (*dnat_handler)(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ip_vs_protocol *pp,
struct ip_vs_conn *cp, struct ip_vs_iphdr *iph);
int (*csum_check)(int af, struct sk_buff *skb,
struct ip_vs_protocol *pp);
const char *(*state_name)(int state);
void (*state_transition)(struct ip_vs_conn *cp, int direction,
const struct sk_buff *skb,
struct ip_vs_proto_data *pd);
int (*register_app)(struct net *net, struct ip_vs_app *inc);
void (*unregister_app)(struct net *net, struct ip_vs_app *inc);
int (*app_conn_bind)(struct ip_vs_conn *cp);
void (*debug_packet)(int af, struct ip_vs_protocol *pp,
const struct sk_buff *skb,
int offset,
const char *msg);
void (*timeout_change)(struct ip_vs_proto_data *pd, int flags);
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