搞了一整天的U-boot,现在终于可以使用tftp下载内核镜像了,现在终于成功了,呵呵!先前在移植网卡驱动的时候可以在U-boot中PING通我的主机,没有任何问题,可就是使用tftp服务不能下载,通过在网上搜索,也没有找到一个很好的解决方案。网上说的首先要配置好tftp服务器,我的Ubuntu操作系统,通过安装tftp服务,并经过测试,没有问题了。主机上的防火墙也已经关闭。有时,小点的文件可以成功的下载,而大点的文件就会出现下面的错误。[U-Boot@mini2440]#tftp 30008000 u-boot.bin
dm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46
DM9000: running in 16 bit mode
MAC: 08:00:3e:26:0a:5b
operating at 100M full duplex mode
Using dm9000 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'u-boot.bin'.
Load address: 0x30008000
Loading: T T T T #T T T T T T T ##T T T T T T T T T T T ##T T T T T #T T T T ###
Bytes transferred = 154764 (25c8c hex) //文件不到200KB还是出现断断续续的
[U-Boot@mini2440]#tftp 30008000 zImage //文件达到2MB就没有出现成功过
dm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46
DM9000: running in 16 bit mode
MAC: 08:00:3e:26:0a:5b
operating at 100M full duplex mode
Using dm9000 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'zImage'.
Load address: 0x30008000
Loading: T T T T T T T T T T T T T T #T T T T T T T T T T T T ##T T T T T T T T#
###T T #T T T T T
Retry count exceeded; starting again
dm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46
DM9000: running in 16 bit mode
MAC: 08:00:3e:26:0a:5b
operating at 100M full duplex mode
Using dm9000 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'zImage'.
Load address: 0x30008000
Loading: T T T T T T T T T T #T T T T T T T T T #T T T T T T T T #T T T T T T ##
###T #T T T T T T T T #T #T #######T ###T ##T ###T ##T ###T T T ##T ###
###T T #T T T T T T ##T T ##T T ###T ##
Retry count exceeded; starting again
dm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46
DM9000: running in 16 bit mode
MAC: 08:00:3e:26:0a:5b
operating at 100M full duplex mode
Using dm9000 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'zImage'.
Load address: 0x30008000
Loading: T T T T T #T T T T T T T T #T T T T T T T T T T T T #T T T T T T T T T#
####T T T T #T T T T T T T ###T ##T ###T ##T T ###T #####T T T ##T T ##
##T T #T T T T T T T T T #####T T ##T ##T ##T T ###T ##T T ###T ##T T
T T ##T
Retry count exceeded; starting again
dm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46
DM9000: running in 16 bit mode
MAC: 08:00:3e:26:0a:5b
operating at 100M full duplex mode
Using dm9000 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'zImage'.
Load address: 0x30008000
Loading: T T T T T #T T T T T T T T T T T ###T T T T T T T T T ##T T T T #
####T T T T T T ##T T T T ###T ##T T T ##T ####T ##T #T ###T ###T ##T #
##T ##T T T T T T #T T T T ##T T ###T ##T ###T ###T ##T T ##T T ##T T ###
Retry count exceeded; starting again //会一直循环下去,无休无止的
从网上不断的搜索,还有的说是lowlevel_init.S文件中的BANK没有设置对,不过我也检查一下我的BANK的设置,我的DM9000在BANK4上面,下面是我的lowlevel_init.S文件的部分配置,位宽是16Bit的。#define BWSCON 0x48000000
/* BWSCON */
#define DW8 (0x0)
#define DW16 (0x1)
#define DW32 (0x2)
#define WAIT (0x1<<2)
#define UBLB (0x1<<3)
#define B1_BWSCON (DW32)
#define B2_BWSCON (DW16)
//#define B3_BWSCON (DW16 + WAIT + UBLB)
#define B3_BWSCON (DW16+UBLB)
#define B4_BWSCON (DW16 + UBLB)
#define B5_BWSCON (DW16)
#define B6_BWSCON (DW32)
#define B7_BWSCON (DW32)
再次修改了修改drivers/net/dm9000x.c文件中phy_read()函数和phy_write函数phy_write(int reg, u16 value)
int i;
/* Fill the phyxcer register into REG_0C */
DM9000_iow(DM9000_EPAR, DM9000_PHY | reg);
/* Fill the written data into REG_0D & REG_0E */
DM9000_iow(DM9000_EPDRL, (value & 0xff));
DM9000_iow(DM9000_EPDRH, ((value >> 8) & 0xff));
DM9000_iow(DM9000_EPCR, 0xa); /* Issue phyxcer write command */
//udelay(500); /* Wait write complete */
while(DM9000_ior(DM9000_EPCR) & 0x01)
i++; //替换 udelay(500)
printf("DM9000 access error\n");
return 0;
DM9000_iow(DM9000_EPCR, 0x0); /* Clear phyxcer write command */
DM9000_DBG("phy_write(reg:0x%x, value:0x%x)\n", reg, value);
static u16
phy_read(int reg)
u16 val;
int i;
/* Fill the phyxcer register into REG_0C */
DM9000_iow(DM9000_EPAR, DM9000_PHY | reg);
DM9000_iow(DM9000_EPCR, 0xc); /* Issue phyxcer read command */ i=0;
//udelay(100); /* Wait read complete */
while(DM9000_ior(DM9000_EPCR) & 0x01)
i++; //替换udelay(100)
printf("DM9000 access error\n");
return 0;
DM9000_iow(DM9000_EPCR, 0x0); /* Clear phyxcer read command */
val = (DM9000_ior(DM9000_EPDRH) << 8) | DM9000_ior(DM9000_EPDRL);
/* The read data keeps on REG_0D & REG_0E */
DM9000_DBG("phy_read(0x%x): 0x%x\n", reg, val);
return val;
注释掉dm9000_halt 的函数体static void dm9000_halt(struct eth_device *netdev)
//DM9000_DBG("%s\n", __func__);
/* RESET devie */
//phy_write(0, 0x8000); /* PHY RESET */
//DM9000_iow(DM9000_GPR, 0x01); /* Power-Down PHY */
//DM9000_iow(DM9000_IMR, 0x80); /* Disable all interrupt */
//DM9000_iow(DM9000_RCR, 0x00); /* Disable RX */
在104行附近//# define ARP_TIMEOUT 5000UL /* Milliseconds before trying ARP again */
# define ARP_TIMEOUT (CONFIG_SYS_HZ/1000*5000UL)
//NetSetTimeout (10000UL, startAgainTimeout);
NetSetTimeout (10000UL*CONFIG_SYS_HZ/1000, startAgainTimeout);
NetSetHandler (startAgainHandler);
if (NetDevExists && !once) {
//NetSetTimeout (10000UL, startAgainTimeout);
NetSetTimeout (10000UL*CONFIG_SYS_HZ/1000, startAgainTimeout);
在757行附近//NetSetTimeout (10000UL, PingTimeout);
NetSetTimeout (10000UL*CONFIG_SYS_HZ/1000, PingTimeout);
//#define CDP_TIMEOUT 250UL /* one packet every 250ms */
#define CDP_TIMEOUT (250UL*CONFIG_SYS_HZ/1000)
1、下载与我操作系统版本(fedora 10)一致的tftp server源代码tftp-hpa-0.48.tar.bz2,编译通过后,替换系统的tftpd程序,通过在源代码中添加调试信息,发现是由于 Uboot 端 tftp 程序传过来的Timeout参数不符合服务器端定义引起的:
Nov 11 10:46:12 HardWare in.tftpd[18275]: client timeout = 7810 , server timeout = 1-255 tftp客户端传过来的timeout是7810,而服务器端定义的范围在1-255秒之间,不是服务器的问题,而是uboot中tftp参数设置的问题。
原文链接地址:http: http://blog.chinaunix.net/u3/105764/showart.php?id=2091464
#define TIMEOUT 60000UL //5000UL /* Millisecs to timeout for lost pkt */
TIMEOUT 的值是跟据板子配置文件中的 CONFIG_SYS_HZ 值计算出来的,我的配置文件时从 Uboot目录 include/configs/mini2410.h 复制过来的,值为 1562500,算出来后就等于7810.也就是上面分析的tftp的超时的值。
[U-Boot@mini2440]#tftp 30000000 zImage
dm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46
DM9000: running in 16 bit mode
MAC: 08:00:3e:26:0a:5b
operating at 100M full duplex mode
Using dm9000 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'zImage'.
Load address: 0x30000000
Loading: #################################################################
Bytes transferred = 2092932 (1fef84 hex)
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