SIGPIPE From Wikipedia
On POSIX-compliant platforms, SIGPIPE is the signal sent to a process when it attempts to write to a pipe without a process connected to the other end. The symbolic constant for SIGPIPE is defined in the header file signal.h. Symbolic signal names are used because signal numbers can vary across platforms.
SIG is a common prefix for signal names. PIPE refers to the Unix pipe.
Unix supports the principle of piping, which allows processes to send data to other processes without the need for creating temporary files. When a pipe is broken, the process writing to it is sent the SIGPIPE signal. The default reaction to this signal for a process is to terminate.
A simple example of piping is the following.
ps -e | head
This command, when run on a Unix-like machine (including Linux), returns a list of processes, limited to ten lines.
ps -e returns a list of all processes (including those of other users).
head selects the first ten lines.
When ps has written ten lines, head has received all it needs and exits. ps will receive a SIGPIPE when it tries to write the remaining lines, causing it to terminate as well: It is no use writing data that no one will use. Hence it is possible that the reading process terminates while writing the data. This will cause SIGPIPE to be sent to the writing process.
One can ignore SIGPIPE (using, for example, the signal system call). In this case, all system calls that would cause SIGPIPE to be sent will return -1 and set errno to EPIPE.
# set -o pipefail
# cat a.txt | head -n 1 (这里a.txt是一个很大的文件)
# echo $?
# 返回值非0说明这行管道中有命令出错了, 用strace观察一下,就会发现是SIGPIPE的原因:
# strace -o strace.log cat a.txt | head -n 1
strace -o strace.log cat a.txt | head -n 1
cat: write error: Broken pipe (这里比较纳闷, 为什么我直接cat a.txt | head -n 1的时候cat不报这个错出来呢?)
write(1, "y\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\n"..., 4096) = -1 EPIPE (Broken pipe)
--- SIGPIPE (Broken pipe) @ 0 (0) ---
对于管道:command1 | command2
当command2进程已经终止,当command1试图往管道中写入时,才会接收到SIGPIPE,SIGPIPE是由管道发送的,而不是由command2进程发送的。因此,命令 " yes | true" 也会立马结束。
cat /dev/zero | true
head -n 1 a.txt | true
find / | true
sleep 50 | true
$ find . -name "*rc" |xargs -i cat {}|head -1
xargs: cat: terminated by signal 13
$ cat file |head -1
虽然cat仍然会被signal 13关闭,但bash是不会报错的,所以也只能针对一个文件进行操作,即使是使用了通配符也只能head到第一个文件。如果要加上对文件的遍历,可以用到for:
$for file in .*rc;do cat $file |head -1;done
$find . -name "*rc" |xargs -i head -n1 {}
$head -n1 .*rc
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