今天网络中心的同事突然跟我说, 某个路由器的CPU占用率很高, 是不是某些IP不是电信的, 导致不走“快速通道”? 我没怎么明白什么意思, 后来在网上查了一下, 准确的表达应该是“CISCO IP CEF”, “IP快速转发”,
大概如下: Cisco快速转发(Cisco Express Forwarding,CEF)是一种高级的第三层IP交换技术。可以在网络的任何地方使用CEF,特别是在企业骨干网的交换方面。此外,CEF可以优化像Internet这样带有大规模的、动态数据流的网络的性能和伸缩性。在网络核心中,骨干路由器上的CEF提供了高性能和伸缩性,用来对付网络规模的不断加大和稳定增长的数据流量。CEF是一种分散式交换机制,它随着接口卡数量和安装在路由器中带宽的变化而线性地变化
Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) is a multilayer-switching technology that allows for increased scalability and performance to meet the requirements of large enterprise networks. CEF has evolved to accommodate the traffic patterns realized by modern networks. These networks are characterized by an increasing number of short-duration flows. Shorter flows are common in environments with a high degree of web-based activity, or other highly interactive types of traffic.
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