2009-09-15 11:47:21
Actually "Full" ServerTokens enable automated worm spreading due to detailed application version scanning. The point is: There is absolutely no need to display "Full" Server Tokens by default as you don't gain any user experience, better server handling or similar features from that setting. So the argument that most attacks deal with broken application is no reason for leaking information that actually don't *need* to be published.
Besides that, /etc/apache2/
So from a server administrators point of view:
Please consider configuring Apache2 more secure by setting ServerTokens at least to "Minor" and "TraceEnable Off".
Just for your information a list of differences in the ServerTokens settings:
ServerTokens Prod[uctOnly]
Server sends (e.g.): Server: Apache
ServerTokens Major
Server sends (e.g.): Server: Apache/2
ServerTokens Minor
Server sends (e.g.): Server: Apache/2.0
ServerTokens Min[imal]
Server sends (e.g.): Server: Apache/2.0.41
ServerTokens OS
Server sends (e.g.): Server: Apache/2.0.41 (Unix)
ServerTokens Full (or not specified)
Server sends (e.g.): Server: Apache/2.0.41 (Unix) PHP/4.2.2 MyMod/1.2
This setting applies to the entire server, and cannot be enabled or disabled on a virtualhost-
wrote on 2009-08-05: |
This bug was fixed in the package apache2 - 2.2.12-1ubuntu1
apache2 (2.2.12-1ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes: {control, rules}: enable PIE hardening. 2-common. ufw.profile} : add ufw profiles. patches/ 203_fix- ssl-timeftm- ignored. dpatch.
- debian/
- debian/{control, rules, apache2.
- Dropped debian/
apache2 (2.2.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release: erExpire and SSLProxyCheckPeerCN directives envvars and document it in apache2/ conf.d/ localized- error-pages (closes: #467004). Clarify the access. log on package purge.
- Adds support for TLS Server Name Indication (closes: #461917 LP: #184131).
(The Debian default configuration will be changed to use SNI in a later
- Fixes timefmt config in SSI (closes: #363964).
- mod_ssl: Adds SSLProxyCheckPe
to enable stricter checking of remote server certificates.
* Make mod_deflate not compress the content for HEAD requests. This is a
similar issue as CVE-2009-1891.
* Enable hardening compile options.
* Switch default LogFormat from %b (size of file sent) to %O (bytes actually
sent) (closes: #272476 LP: #255124)
* Add the default LANG=C to /etc/apache2/
README.Debian (closes: #511878).
* Enable localized error pages by default if the necessary modules are
loaded. Move the config for it from apache2.conf to
required order of the aliases in the comment (closes: #196795).
* Change default for ServerTokens to 'OS', to not announce the exact module
versions to the world (LP: #205996)
* Make a2ensite and friends ignore the same filenames as apache does for
included config files, even if LANG is not C.
* Merge source packages apache2 and apache2-mpm-itk (current itk version is
2.2.11-02). This removes the binNMU mess necessary for every apache2 upload
(closes: #500885, #512084). Add Steinar to Uploaders. Remove apache2-src
package, which is no longer necessary.
* Ship our own version of the magic config file (taken from file 4.17-5etch3)
which is still compatible with mod_mime_magic (closes: #483111).
* Add ThreadLimit to the default config and put ThreadsPerChild and
MaxClients into the correct order so that Apache does not complain
(closes: #495656).
Also add a configuration block for the event MPM in apache2.conf.
* Fix HTTP PUT with mod_dav failing to detect an aborted connection
(closes: #451563).
* Change references to httpd.conf in apache2-doc to apache2.conf
(closes: #465393).
* Clarify the recommended permissions for SSL certificates in README.Debian
(closes: #512778).
* Document in README.Debian how to name files in conf.d to avoid conflicts
with packages (closes: #493252)
* Remove 2.0 -> 2.2 upgrade logic from maintainer scripts.
* Remove other_vhosts_
-- Chuck Short Tue, 04 Aug 2009 20:04:24 +0100