usage of -v -i -l -r -c:
-v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines. (-v is specified by POSIX.)
-i, --ignore-case
Ignore case distinctions in both the PATTERN and the input files. (-i is specified by POSIX.)
-l, --files-with-matches
Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file from which output would normally have been printed. The scanning will stop on the first match. (-l is specified by POSIX.)
-c, --count
Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching lines for each input file. With the -v, --invert-match option (see below), count non-matching lines. (-c is specified by POSIX.)
-R, -r, --recursive
Read all files under each directory, recursively; this is equivalent to the -d recurse option.
# grep -v John /etc/passwd
jbourne:x:1084:1084:Jason Bourne:/home/jbourne:/bin/bash
# grep -c John /etc/passwd
# grep -cv John /etc/passwd
# grep -i john /etc/passwd
jsmith:x:1082:1082:John Smith:/home/jsmith:/bin/bash
jdoe:x:1083:1083:John Doe:/home/jdoe:/bin/bash
# grep -ri john /home/users
/home/users/subdir1/letter.txt:John, Thanks for your contribution.
/home/users/name_list.txt:John Smith
/home/users/name_list.txt:John Doe
# grep -ril john /root
Checking for full words, not for sub-strings using grep -w
If you want to search for a word, and to avoid it to match the
substrings use -w option. Just doing out a normal search will show out
all the lines.Or you can use the \
$ grep -w in
select i in mon tue wed exit
case $i in
$ grep "\"
select i in mon tue wed exit
case $i in |
Displaying lines before/after/around the match using grep -A, -B and -C
When doing a grep on a huge file, it may be useful to see some lines
after the match. You might feel handy if grep can show you not only the
matching lines but also the lines after/before/around the match.
$ grep -A 3 -i "example" demo_text
Example to show the difference between WORD and word
* - single WORD
* - seven words.
$ grep -B 2 "single WORD" demo_text
Example to show the difference between WORD and word
* - single WORD
$ grep -C 2 "Example" demo_text
word - word consists of a sequence of letters, digits and underscores.
Example to show the difference between WORD and word
* - single WORD
Highlighting the search using GREP_OPTIONS
$ export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto' GREP_COLOR='101;9' |
you can add it to ~/.bashrc and reload it,so next time you will see the highlight word when you use grep
display the lines which matches all the given pattern using -e
$ grep -e case -e esac
case $i in
$ cat employee.txt
100 Jason Smith
200 John Doe
300 Sanjay Gupta
400 Ashok Sharma
$ cat bonus.txt
100 $5,000
200 $500
300 $3,000
400 $1,250
$ join employee.txt bonus.txt
100 Jason Smith $5,000
200 John Doe $500
300 Sanjay Gupta $3,000
400 Ashok Sharma $1,250
$ sort -t: -k 3n /etc/passwd (sort -t: -n -k3 /etc/passwd)
$ sort -t . -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost dev-db prod-db dev-web prod-web
Uniq command is mostly used in combination with sort command, as uniq removes duplicates only from a sorted file. i.e In order for uniq to work, all the duplicate entries should be in the adjacent lines. Following are some common examples.
$ sort namesd.txt | uniq = sort –u namesd.txt
$sort namesd.txt | uniq –c
2 Alex Jason:200:Sales
2 Emma Thomas:100:Marketing
1 Madison Randy:300:Product Development
1 Nisha Singh:500:Sales
1 Sanjay Gupta:400:Support
$ sort namesd.txt | uniq –cd
2 Alex Jason:200:Sales
2 Emma Thomas:100:Marketing
find files that are not modified in the last 60 days
# find . -mtime +60
find files that are modified in the last 60 days
# find . -mtime -60
# find / -type f -size +100M (greater that 100M)
# find / -type f -size -100M (less than 100M)
The -l and -i options appear in the 1997 version of the POSIX standard, but do not appear in the 2004 version of the standard. Therefore you should use -L and -I instead, respectively.
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