1. 在命令行终端上,输入类似:
test@test ~: lftp ftp://public@xxxx
Passwd: xxx
2. 执行类似“put/get"指令来下载文件或是上传文件
1. 比如想要上传某文件(如test1)到FTP服务器上,可以执行下面命令:
test@test ~: ./upload.pl public@xxxx:test1
Passwd: xxx
2. 想要下载某文件,可以使用下面命令:
test@test ~: ./download.pl public@xxx:test1
Passwd: xx
具体脚本如下: 注意(这里FTP服务器端口默认为22, 如果不是22还需要设置下)
- #!/usr/bin/perl
#This script is used to upload file from ftp server automatically
use strict;
use Net::FTP;
die "Usage:\n\t$0 [user]\@server:file\n" if (! defined @ARGV);
my ($user,$passwd, $server, $file);
my $debug = 0;
my $argv = $ARGV[0];
if ($argv =~ /\@(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+):(.*)/){
$server = $1;
$file = $2;
print "FTP Server is :$server\n";
print "Put filename is :$file\n";
if ($argv =~ /(.*)\@/){
$user = $1;
print "Login Name :$user\n";
system "stty -echo";
print "Input password:";
chomp($passwd = <STDIN>);
system "stty echo";
# print $passwd;
print "\n";
###Connect the ftp server
print "Connect the ftp server....\n";
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$server", Debug => 0)
or die "Cannot connect :$@";
$ftp->login("$user", "$passwd")
or die "Cannot login: $ftp->message";
# or die "Cannot set binary mode: $ftp->message";
or die "Put file faild: $ftp->message";
print "File has been uploaded successfully...\n";
- #!/usr/bin/perl
#This script is used to download file from ftp server automatically
use strict;
use Net::FTP;
die "Usage:\n\t$0 [user]\@server:file\n" if (! defined @ARGV);
my ($user,$passwd, $server, $file);
my $debug = 0;
my $argv = $ARGV[0];
if ($argv =~ /\@(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+):(.*):(.*)/){
$server = $1 . ":" . $2;
$file = $3;
print "FTP Server is :$server\n";
print "Get filename is :$file\n";
if ($argv =~ /(.*)\@/){
$user = $1;
print "Login Name:$user";
system "stty -echo";
print "Input password:";
chomp($passwd = <STDIN>);
system "stty echo";
# print $passwd;
###Connect the ftp server
print "Connect the ftp server....\n";
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$server", Debug => 0)
or die "Cannot connect :$@";
$ftp->login("$user", "$passwd")
or die "Cannot login: $ftp->message";
or die "Put file faild: $ftp->message";
print "File has been downloaded successfully...\n";
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