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note:greater for signed , apon for unsigned , c for carry
cmd use way param or explan
addx source,destination [-lwb]
adc source,destination with carry ,like add 64 bits
sub source,destination [-lwb]
dec destination
inc destination
mul source [-lwb]
imul source,destination [-lwb]signed
div divisor [-lwb]
divided longth qutient remainder
ax 16 al ah
dx:ax 32 ax dx
edx:eax 64 eax edx
idiv divisor [-lwb]
sal destination [-lwb]
sal %cl,destination
sal shifter,destination
shl ...
sar ...
shr ...
rol ...
ror ...
rcl ... with the carry
rcr ...
aaa,aas,aam,aad the same as add ,sub,mul,div ;no packed BCD
daa,das ;packed BCD
and , not ,or ,xor,test
movs %esi,%edi [-lwb]
cld clear df
std set df
rep cmd we can call it 'null' ,it will do nothing ,but the cmd will do
lods [-lwb] load from memery to %eax
stos [-lwb] store to memery
cmps [-lwb]
scas [-lwb]
movx source,destination [-lwb]
cmovx source,destination [a,ae,nc,b,c,be,e,ne,p,np,ge,l,le,o,no,s,ns]
xchg operand1,operand2 change two value in registor
bswap register swap the byte in a word
xadd source,destination change add
cmpxchg source,destination cmp to eax,ax,al if equal ,then put source to destination ,else put then to a x,eax,al
cmpxchg8b destination destination's 8 bits will cmp to edx and eax,if equal ,the value will send to the memery pointed by destination
pushx source
pop destination
call address
jxx address
cmp operand1,operand2
clc clear c
cmc the reverse value
stc set c
loop address
loope address
loopne address
jcxz cheek c
movzx source,destination move small unsigned value to big unsigned value
movq source,destination move to MMX register
movdqa source,destination move to XMM register
fbld source put the BCD which is 80 bits into FPU
fld source transfer float vlaue
movxxx source,destination transfer SSE float value
cvtxxx operand1,operand2 convert different value to another
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