分类: 系统运维
2014-11-13 10:48:08
diff -u $NEW/manifests/init.pp $OLD/manifests/init.pp
case $productname {
/PowerEdge R720/:
- $workers=100,
- $ant_servers=12
+ $workers=100
Its a confusing error message, because the problem is actually in the sbx class that sbx::openvpn inherits.
There are syntax errors in the case productname statement, with commas added after the $workers variables.
The case statement should read
case $productname {
/PowerEdge R720/: {
/PowerEdge C6105/: {
# Use a different number to test this setup
default: {
# $Header: //code_SaaS/Branches/BRANCH_2014_4/infrastructure/puppet/modules/sbx/manifests/openvpn.pp#1 $
class sbx::openvpn inherits sbx {
include monitoring::sbx-vpn
# $Header:
# SBX Sandbox server
class sbx {
include cog::serviceusers
include monitoring::sbx-wts
include ::odsdeployer
case $productname {
/PowerEdge R720/: {
/PowerEdge C6105/: {
# Use a different number to test this setup
default: {