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  • 注册时间: 2008-10-28 10:29







2008-10-29 11:49:17

  在10i中原有的log_archive_start参数已经废弃,对于archive log mode来说我们只需要设置log_archive_format和log_archive_dest_N参数,然后在数据库mount状态下执行alter database archivelog;即可将数据库设置成archive log mode,将会自动归档,相反使用alter database noarchivelog;即可。
  SQL> startup mount
  ORACLE instance started.
  Total System Global Area 399927208 bytes
  Fixed Size 1284008 bytes
  Variable Size 318767104 bytes
  Database Buffers 33554432 bytes
  Redo Buffers 46321664 bytes
  Database mounted.
  SQL> alter database archivelog;
  Database altered.
  SQL> alter database open;
  Database altered.
  SQL> show parameter archive_start
  ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
  log_archive_start boolean FALSE
  SQL> archive log list
  Database log mode Archive Mode 
  Automatic archival Enabled
  Archive destination /data4/oracle10/app/product/10.0.0/dbs/arch
  Oldest online log sequence 92
  Next log sequence to archive 94
  Current log sequence 94
  SQL> shutdown immediate
  Database closed.
  Database dismounted.
  ORACLE instance shut down.
  SQL> startup
  ORACLE instance started.
  Total System Global Area 399927208 bytes
  Fixed Size 1284008 bytes
  Variable Size 318767104 bytes
  Database Buffers 33554432 bytes
  Redo Buffers 46321664 bytes
  Database mounted.
  Database opened.
  SQL> archive log list
  Database log mode Archive Mode
  Automatic archival Enabled
  Archive destination /data4/oracle10/app/product/10.0.0/dbs/arch
  Oldest online log sequence 92
  Next log sequence to archive 94
  Current log sequence 94
  SQL> !ls arch
  1_92_496877985.dbf arch_1_93_496877985.arc
  SQL> alter system archive log current;
  System altered.
  SQL> !ls arch
  1_92_496877985.dbf arch_1_93_496877985.arc arch_1_94_496877985.arc
  SQL> alter system switch logfile;
  System altered.
  SQL> /
  System altered.
  SQL> /
  System altered.
  SQL> /
  System altered.
  SQL> /
  System altered.
  SQL> !ls arch
  1_92_496877985.dbf arch_1_94_496877985.arc arch_1_96_496877985.arc arch_1_98_496877985.arc
  arch_1_93_496877985.arc arch_1_95_496877985.arc arch_1_97_496877985.arc arch_1_99_496877985.arc
  SQL> shutdown immediate
  Database closed.
  Database dismounted.
  ORACLE instance shut down.
  SQL> startup mount
  ORACLE instance started.
  Total System Global Area 399927208 bytes
  Fixed Size 1284008 bytes
  Variable Size 318767104 bytes
  Database Buffers 33554432 bytes
  Redo Buffers 46321664 bytes
  Database mounted.
  SQL> alter database noarchivelog;
  Database altered.
  SQL> alter database open;
  Database altered.
  SQL> archive log list
  Database log mode No Archive Mode
  Automatic archival Disabled
  Archive destination /data4/oracle10/app/product/10.0.0/dbs/arch
  Oldest online log sequence 93
  Current log sequence 95
  SQL> shutdown immediate
  Database closed.
  Database dismounted.
  ORACLE instance shut down.
  SQL> startup
  ORACLE instance started.
  Total System Global Area 399927208 bytes
  Fixed Size 1284008 bytes
  Variable Size 318767104 bytes
  Database Buffers 33554432 bytes
  Redo Buffers 46321664 bytes
  Database mounted.
  Database opened.
  SQL> archive log list
  Database log mode No Archive Mode
  Automatic archival Disabled
  Archive destination /data4/oracle10/app/product/10.0.0/dbs/arch
  Oldest online log sequence 93
  Current log sequence 95


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