1、 works2000简介 Ciscoworks2000包括:LAN solution、 routed WAN solution、Service management solution、VPN/Security management solution.
LAN solution 包括:ciscoworks2000 comnon management foundation、resource management essentials、campus manager、content flow monitor、nGenius real-time monitor、device fault manager.
routed WAN solution 包括:ciscoworks2000 comnon management foundation、resource management essentials、nGenius real-time monitor、access control monitor、internetwork performance monitor
Service management solution包括:ciscoworks2000 comnon management foundation、service-level manager、managenment engine(ME 1100)
VPN/Security management solution包括:ciscoworks2000 comnon management foundation、VPN monitor、cisco secure policy manager lite
2、 安装CD ONE 2.1在SUN SOLARIS 2.7上安装CD ONE THE 4th edition
Requirement Type Minimum Requirements
System hardware Sparc Ultra 10.
17-inch color monitor.
CD-ROM drive.
Memory (RAM) 256 MB (all CD One components).
Available drive space 2 GB on the partition on which you install the product (the
default is /opt).
Swap space equal to the amount of memory (RAM). For
example, if your system has 256 MB of RAM, you need
256 MB of swap space.
System software Solaris 2.6 or Solaris 2.7
Additional software (Optional) Netscape Navigator 4.75
②sun solaris 2.7 patch:
108376-03 (Asian only)
Step 1 As root, mount the CD One CD-ROM using either of the following methods:
Mount the CD-ROM on the CD One server system.
Mount the CD-ROM on a remote Solaris system, then access the
CD-ROM from the CD One server system.
Step 2 Run the installation program.
For a local installation, enter:
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/
# ./
For a remote installation, enter:
# cd remotedir
# ./
A message may display:
Warning: User casuser already exists, the installation process will
overwrite its privilege.
Do you want to continue (y/n) [y]
This message will not appear if this is the first time CD One, 4th Edition, has been
installed on this machine.
Step 3 Press Enter if you receive the casuser message. The installation program adds the
new user casuser and the new group casusers to the system.
Note If CD One has previously been installed on this machine, the product
will automatically be installed in the same location where CD One was
previously installed.
A message displays:
Enter the location where the product will be installed or q to quit.
Default location (PKGROOT) [/opt/CSCOpx]
Note CD One requires a directory named /opt/CSCOpx. If you select a
different installation directory, the /opt/CSCOpx directory will be
created and will be a link to the directory you selected.
Step 4 Press Enter to accept the default directory for product installation, or enter a
different directory.
Step 5 Select one of the following:
1) NMS Integration Utility to install only the Integration Utility
(For information about the Integration Utility and third-party NMS integration,
refer to Using CiscoView.)
2) Common Management Foundation (CMF) Base Desktop to install a subset
of CMF
(Select this option only if the application you’ll be installing next requires the
CMF Base Desktop and you do not want CiscoView or NMS Integration Utility
3) CiscoView
4) CiscoView, NMS Integration Utility and CMF to install all CD One
components (Recommended for most systems)
Step 6 Enter the number corresponding to the option you have chosen or q to quit. 一般新的安装选第4项。
The Integration Utility will be installed now. The Integration Utility
integrates Cisco device packages and Cisco applications into
third-party SNMP management platforms. You can choose to integrate
with a third-party SNMP management platform during this install or
Do you want to integrate with the third-party product now (y/n) [n]
Step 7 Select one of the following:
n to integrate with a third-party NMS after installation (this is the
recommended choice to complete the installation more quickly, and to avoid
faulty third-party installation errors)
If you select n, go to Step 8.
y to integrate with a third-party NMS during installation
If you select y, continue with steps a through c.
a. Select the adapter from the list of available adapters, or select other to choose
an adapter that is not listed (you will be prompted to enter the path name of
the adapter), or select none to integrate after the installation is complete.
If you select none, go to Step 8.
b. Enter the HTTP browser location, or press Enter to accept the default
location, /opt/netscape/netscape.
A message appears, asking if you want to enable download options from the
Cisco Web page (CCO).
c. Select one of the following:
n to disallow future upgrades from the Cisco Web page.
y to enable future upgrades from the Cisco Web page.
Enter your CCO user ID and password.
Browser Netscape Navigator 4.75.
( NT 4.0 Workstation and Server, 98, Windows 2000
Professional and Server, Solaris 2.5.1, Solaris 2.6, Solaris 2.7, AIX 4.33,
HP-UX 11.0)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 with Service Pack 1.
Virtual Machine (JVM) version or current shipping version.
To verify the JVM, select View > Console.
(Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000)
在系统中安装JAVA runtime environment 1.3.1。
Step 1 Enable Java and javascript:
Netscape Navigator—Select Edit>Preferences>Advanced. Select the
Enable Java and Enable JavaScript check boxes, then click OK.
Microsoft Internet Explorer—Select Tools>Internet Options>Advanced.
Under the Microsoft VM heading, select Java console enabled, JIT
compiler for virtual machine enabled, and Java logging enabled, then
click OK.
Step 2 Set your browser cache to at least 6 MB:
Netscape Navigator—Select Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Cache. Set
both the memory cache and the disk cache to at least 6144 KB, then click OK.
Internet Explorer—Select Tools>Internet Options>General, then click
Settings. Set the cache to at least 6 MB using the Amount of disk space to
use slider bar. Click OK to close the Settings dialog box and return to the
Internet Options dialog box, then click OK again.
Step 3 Configure your browser to accept all cookies:
Netscape Navigator—Select Edit>Preferences>Advanced. Select the
Accept all cookies radio button, then click OK.
Internet Explorer—Select Tools>Internet Options>Security. Select
Internet, and click Custom Level. Scroll to Cookies and select Enable for
both, stored on your computer and per-session. Click OK, click OK again.
Step 4 Configure your browser to compare each page with its cached version every time
it loads a page:
Netscape Navigator—Select Edit>Preferences>
Advanced>Cache. Select the Every Time radio button, then click OK.
Internet Explorer—Select Tool