os: redhat 9, gcc: 3.2.2
1. 下载安装arm-elf-tools20040427.sh, 基于gcc-2.95.3, 这个工具没有arm-elf-gdb,已试过,可以编译u-boot.
2. 安装arm-elf-gdb:
解压tar zvxf, 新建一个目录,比如在gdb-6.0a里建一个make_gdb,在这个目录里运行gdb-6.0a/configure
参数至少要有一个target --target=arm-elf --prefix=/usr/local/arm-elf-gdb/
然后make, 再make install,
(只有两个文件: arm-elf-gdb arm-elf-run),没有被加入搜索路径,可以COPY到/usr/local/bin里.
3. skyeye.conf
#skyeye config file for S3C44B0X
cpu: arm7tdmi
mach: s3c44b0x
# physical memory
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x00200000, file=u-boot.bin
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x0c000000, size=0x00800000
# peripherals I/O mapping area
mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0x01c00000, size=0x00400000
# uart 0
uart: mod=stdio
# uart 1
#uart: mod=pipe, desc=/dev/ttyS1
#lcd: type=s3c44b0x, mod=gtk
#net: ethmod=tuntap, hostip=
#dbct: state=on
4. 进入u-boot顶层目录,也就是有u-boot,u-boot.bin的那个目录,运行skyeye(因为skyeye安装后,可以在任意目录运行,但skyeye.conf放在u-boot顶层目录).
skyeye -d 这样启动调试模式
[root@rh3 u-boot]# skyeye -d
**************************** WARNING **********************************
If you want to run ELF image, you should use -e option to indicate
your elf-format image filename. Or you only want to run binary image,
you need to set the filename of the image and its entry in skyeye.conf.
Your elf file is little endian.
arch: arm
cpu info: armv3, arm7tdmi, 41007700, fff8ff00, 0
mach info: name s3c44b0x, mach_init addr 0x8076798
uart_mod:0, desc_in:, desc_out:, converter:
SKYEYE: use arm7100 mmu ops
Loaded RAM u-boot.bin
debugmode= 1, filename = skyeye.conf, server TCP port is 12345
5. # arm-elf-gdb u-boot
(gdb) target remote
(gdb) b start_armboot
(gdb) c
最后: arm-elf-gcc 的编译标志要加 -ggdb, -g和-gstabs都找不到C源代码文件.
# arm-elf-as --gstabs -o start.o start.s
# arm-elf-ld -Tmy-boot.lds -o start start.o lowlevel_init.o
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