- static int __init s3c24xx_uda134x_init(void)
- {
- return platform_driver_register(&s3c24xx_uda134x_driver); // 驱动arch/arm/mach-xx下注册的名为"s3c24xx_uda134x"的设备
- }
- static struct platform_driver s3c24xx_uda134x_driver = {
- .probe = s3c24xx_uda134x_probe,
- .remove = s3c24xx_uda134x_remove,
- .driver = {
- .name = "s3c24xx_uda134x",
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- },
- };
- s3c24xx_uda134x_l3_pins = pdev->dev.platform_data; // 由platform设备传进来的l3的3个控制io口
- /*做了一个gpio口的封装,这段程序应该就是进行l3总线的初始化*/
- if (s3c24xx_uda134x_setup_pin(s3c24xx_uda134x_l3_pins->l3_data,
- "data") < 0) // 调用gpio_request申请io
- return -EBUSY;
- if (s3c24xx_uda134x_setup_pin(s3c24xx_uda134x_l3_pins->l3_clk,
- "clk") < 0) {
- gpio_free(s3c24xx_uda134x_l3_pins->l3_data);
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- if (s3c24xx_uda134x_setup_pin(s3c24xx_uda134x_l3_pins->l3_mode,
- "mode") < 0) {
- gpio_free(s3c24xx_uda134x_l3_pins->l3_data);
- gpio_free(s3c24xx_uda134x_l3_pins->l3_clk);
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- s3c24xx_uda134x_snd_device = platform_device_alloc("soc-audio", -1);// 申请名为“soc-audio“设备
- platform_set_drvdata(s3c24xx_uda134x_snd_device,// 设备soc-audio“将由soc_driver声卡驱动管理
- &s3c24xx_uda134x_snd_devdata); // s3c24xx_uda134x_snd_devdata声卡驱动soc_driver使用到的结构体
- ret = platform_device_add(s3c24xx_uda134x_snd_device);// 将申请的"soc-audio"设备注册到platform总线,由soc_driver声卡驱动进一步管理,此处触发soc-core.c中的soc-audio的soc_driver结构体的probe.
- static struct snd_soc_device s3c24xx_uda134x_snd_devdata = {
- .card = &snd_soc_s3c24xx_uda134x, // 定义的card声卡
- .codec_dev = &soc_codec_dev_uda134x,
- .codec_data = &s3c24xx_uda134x,
- };
- static struct snd_soc_card snd_soc_s3c24xx_uda134x = {// card声卡的结构体
- .name = "S3C24XX_UDA134X",
- .platform = &s3c24xx_soc_platform, // 使用s3c24xx_soc_platform平台
- .dai_link = &s3c24xx_uda134x_dai_link, // 使用s3c24xx_uda134x_dai_link中的cpu_dai和codec_dai解码流通道,他们将生成一个pcm实例,然后对声音流数据进行发送和接收处理.
- .num_links = 1,
- };
- EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(s3c24xx_soc_platform);
- static int __init s3c24xx_soc_platform_init(void)
- {
- return snd_soc_register_platform(&s3c24xx_soc_platform); // 登记注册24xx的声卡设备到声卡驱动专用的platform_list链表上
- }
- struct snd_soc_platform s3c24xx_soc_platform = {
- .name = "s3c24xx-audio",
- .pcm_ops = &s3c24xx_pcm_ops, // 本platform平台提供的pcm操作方法
- .pcm_new = s3c24xx_pcm_new,
- .pcm_free = s3c24xx_pcm_free_dma_buffers,
- };
- static struct snd_soc_dai_link s3c24xx_uda134x_dai_link = {
- .name = "UDA134X",
- .stream_name = "UDA134X",
- .codec_dai = &uda134x_dai, // codec芯片接口控制结构体 详见/sound/soc/codecs/uda134x.c
- .cpu_dai = &s3c24xx_i2s_dai, // cpu内置的音频控制单元
- .ops = &s3c24xx_uda134x_ops, // pcm实例使用到自定义操作方法集
- };
- static int __init uda134x_init(void)
- {
- return snd_soc_register_dai(&uda134x_dai);// 注册codec芯片音频驱动模块codec_dai到dai_list链表上
- }
- module_init(uda134x_init);
- struct snd_soc_dai uda134x_dai = {
- .name = "UDA134X",
- /* playback capabilities */
- .playback = { // 放音通道
- .stream_name = "Playback",
- .channels_min = 1,
- .channels_max = 2,
- .rates = UDA134X_RATES,
- .formats = UDA134X_FORMATS,
- },
- /* capture capabilities */
- .capture = { // 录音通道
- .stream_name = "Capture",
- .channels_min = 1,
- .channels_max = 2,
- .rates = UDA134X_RATES,
- .formats = UDA134X_FORMATS,
- },
- /* pcm operations */
- .ops = &uda134x_dai_ops,
- };
- static int __init snd_soc_init(void)
- {
- debugfs_root = debugfs_create_dir("asoc", NULL);
- if (IS_ERR(debugfs_root) || !debugfs_root) {
- "ASoC: Failed to create debugfs directory\n");
- debugfs_root = NULL;
- }
- #endif
- return platform_driver_register(&soc_driver);
- }
- /*s3c24xx_uda134x.c中s3c24xx_uda134x_probe==>platform_device_add(s3c24xx_uda134x_snd_device);
- *将直接触发这里soc_probe检测函数的进一步执行
- */
- /* ASoC platform driver */
- static struct platform_driver soc_driver = {
- .driver = {
- .name = "soc-audio",
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- },
- .probe = soc_probe,
- .remove = soc_remove,
- .suspend = soc_suspend,
- .resume = soc_resume,
- };
- /* probes a new socdev */
- static int soc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- struct snd_soc_device *socdev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); // 对应上面的s3c24xx_uda134x_snd_devdata结构体
- struct snd_soc_card *card = socdev->card;// 对应上面的snd_soc_s3c24xx_uda134x
- /* Bodge while we push things out of socdev */
- card->socdev = socdev;
- /* Bodge while we unpick instantiation */
- card->dev = &pdev->dev;
- ret = snd_soc_register_card(card); // 注册生成声卡
- if (ret != 0) {
- dev_err(&pdev->dev, "Failed to register card\n");
- return ret;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int snd_soc_register_card(struct snd_soc_card *card) // 注册生成声卡
- {
- if (!card->name || !card->dev)
- return -EINVAL;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&card->list);
- card->instantiated = 0; // 标识未初始化该声卡,因为该函数只在soc_probe中调用,所以可以保证确实是第1次创建
- mutex_lock(&client_mutex);
- list_add(&card->list, &card_list); // 所有注册的声卡都要添加到声卡设备链表card_list
- // 对声卡进行实例化,生成pcm.
- mutex_unlock(&client_mutex);
- dev_dbg(card->dev, "Registered card '%s'\n", card->name);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Attempt to initialise any uninitalised cards. Must be called with
- * client_mutex.
- */
- static void snd_soc_instantiate_cards(void) // 对声卡进行实例化,生成pcm.
- {
- struct snd_soc_card *card;
- list_for_each_entry(card, &card_list, list) // 遍历声卡链表card_list上所有声卡,如果该声卡的instantiated等于0,那么将被执行实例化,生成该声卡描述的所有pcm流通道.
- snd_soc_instantiate_card(card);// 实例化声卡内部所有stream流通道为pcm
- }
这个函数的主要工作就是遍历声卡list上的所有声卡,然后实例化内部所有通道的pcm,那么具体如何进行实例化的呢,let’s go,(我先把代码贴出来,有些简单的注释,然后会就具体的一些需要重点注意的地方再做个说明)
- static void snd_soc_instantiate_card(struct snd_soc_card *card)// 作声卡实例化
- {
- struct platform_device *pdev = container_of(card->dev,
- struct platform_device,
- dev);
- struct snd_soc_codec_device *codec_dev = card->socdev->codec_dev;
- struct snd_soc_platform *platform;
- struct snd_soc_dai *dai;
- int i, found, ret, ac97;
- if (card->instantiated) // 该card声卡已经完成实例化,简单的返回
- return;
- found = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(platform, &platform_list, list)// 搜索platform_list上登记的s3c24xx_soc_platform平台驱动
- if (card->platform == platform) {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (!found) {
- dev_dbg(card->dev, "Platform %s not registered\n",
- card->platform->name);
- return;
- }
- ac97 = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < card->num_links; i++) {
- found = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(dai, &dai_list, list)// 检查dai_list是否已经注册登记了.cpu_dai引用到的驱动模块
- if (card->dai_link[i].cpu_dai == dai) { // 这里就是s3c24xx_uda134x_dai_link中的.cpu_dai = &s3c24xx_i2s_dai
- found = 1; // 他在s3c24xx_i2s_init中完成注册登记
- break;
- }
- if (!found) {
- dev_dbg(card->dev, "DAI %s not registered\n",
- card->dai_link[i].cpu_dai->name);
- return;
- }
- if (card->dai_link[i].cpu_dai->ac97_control)
- ac97 = 1;
- }
- /* If we have AC97 in the system then don't wait for the
- * codec. This will need revisiting if we have to handle
- * systems with mixed AC97 and non-AC97 parts. Only check for
- * DAIs currently; we can't do this per link since some AC97
- * codecs have non-AC97 DAIs.
- */
- if (!ac97)// 如果不是ac97设备
- for (i = 0; i < card->num_links; i++) {
- found = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(dai, &dai_list, list)
- if (card->dai_link[i].codec_dai == dai) {// 检查dai_list是否已经注册登记了.codec_dai引用到的驱动模块
- found = 1; // 这里就是s3c24xx_uda134x_dai_link中的.codec_dai = &uda134x_dai
- break; // 他在uda134x_init中完成注册登记.
- }
- if (!found) {
- dev_dbg(card->dev, "DAI %s not registered\n",
- card->dai_link[i].codec_dai->name);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Note that we do not current check for codec components */
- dev_dbg(card->dev, "All components present, instantiating\n");
- // ok,所有依赖的模块都已经就位,那么下面开始创建card声卡.
- /* Found everything, bring it up */
- if (card->probe) {
- ret = card->probe(pdev); // 对于snd_soc_s3c24xx_uda134x没有定义probe
- if (ret < 0)
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < card->num_links; i++) {
- struct snd_soc_dai *cpu_dai = card->dai_link[i].cpu_dai;
- if (cpu_dai->probe) {
- ret = cpu_dai->probe(pdev, cpu_dai); // cpu集成的音频控制单元probe初始化,s3c24xx_i2s_dai.s3c24xx_i2s_probe
- if (ret < 0) // 主要完成i2s控制器时钟启动和s3c24xx的i2s对应的io口配置初始化
- goto cpu_dai_err;
- }
- }
- // 这里将完成设备节点'/dev/dsp'和alsa节点的所有创建工作
- if (codec_dev->probe) { // soc_codec_dev_uda134x.soc_codec_dev_uda134x.uda134x_soc_probe初始化
- ret = codec_dev->probe(pdev); // 将执行snd_soc_new_pcms(socdev, SNDRV_DEFAULT_IDX1, SNDRV_DEFAULT_STR1);
- if (ret < 0) // 生成声卡内存结构体和创建所有pcms流通道,最后调用snd_soc_init_card(socdev);
- goto cpu_dai_err; // 根据dsp_map[]索引号选择一个默认pcm流通道生成"/dev/dsp"节点和alsa节点
- }
- if (platform->probe) { // s3c24xx_soc_platform没有提供probe来初始化
- ret = platform->probe(pdev);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto platform_err;
- }
- /* DAPM stream work */
- INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&card->delayed_work, close_delayed_work);
- #ifdef CONFIG_PM
- /* deferred resume work */
- INIT_WORK(&card->deferred_resume_work, soc_resume_deferred);
- #endif
- card->instantiated = 1;
- return;
- platform_err:
- if (codec_dev->remove)
- codec_dev->remove(pdev);
- cpu_dai_err:
- for (i--; i >= 0; i--) {
- struct snd_soc_dai *cpu_dai = card->dai_link[i].cpu_dai;
- if (cpu_dai->remove)
- cpu_dai->remove(pdev, cpu_dai);
- }
- if (card->remove)
- card->remove(pdev);
- }
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