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2008-10-17 13:28:08

  五一长假归来,习惯的在上浏览新闻,看到 EE 5规范在5月1日全票通过正式发布了( EE 5 passes - ready, set, code!)。由此想到国外的劳动者们,为了促使Java EE 5规范早日诞生,甘愿放弃享受国际劳动者们自己的节日,任劳任怨的跑来辛苦的开会表决,我感动万分,无以言表。

     这则新闻在theserverside上立即引来了众多Javaer的各种评论,随便翻了翻到也有点收获。不过自己对Java EE 5规范的横空出世倒是没有什么很大的触动。在开源社区一片繁荣的今天,特别是在EJB成为众矢之的以后,民间的力量仿佛完全可以替代官方的权威。没有Java EE 5规范,我们使用着N多开源框架拼接起来的“大容器”,也过上了轻量级的生活。没有Java EE 5规范,我们使用着“老”技术,虽然没有很cool的新特性,倒也过得自在。

     来看下官方是怎么来定位Java EE 5的:

The focus of Java EE 5 is ease of development. To simplify the development process for programmers just starting with Java EE, or developing small to medium applications, we’ve made extensive use of Java language annotations that were introduced by J2SE 5.0. Annotations reduce or eliminate the need to deal with Java EE deployment descriptors in many cases. Even large applications can benefit from the simplifications provided by annotations.
One of the major uses of annotations is to specify injection of resources and other dependencies into Java EE components. Injection augments the existing JNDI lookup capability to provide a new simplified model for applications to gain access to the resources needed from the operational environment. Injection also works with deployment descriptors to allow the deployer to customize or override resource settings specified in the application’s source code.

     可见Java EE 5规范描述的蓝图是非常的美妙,这其中仿佛也受到了RoR这只“偶像派”黑马的启发——把减轻开发复杂度作为首任。从规范中可以看到,它从民间的开源社区中吸取了不少东西融入到自身当中,这是一个让人高兴的现象。这也许能让它功成名就,但是官方的脚步仿佛总是比“时尚”慢半拍,而且刚刚诞生的它,尚缺少厂商和开源社区支持。在这瞬息万变的世界里,谁知Java EE 5规范的前途如何呢?




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