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2008-10-17 13:26:22

  Hi there, I wish you enjoy my dumps and good luck!
  1.Under which situation is it necessary to use on explicit cursor?
  A. When any DML or SELECT statement is used in a PL/SQL block
  B. When a delete statement in a pl/sql block deletes more than one row
  C. When a select statement in pl/sql retrieves more than one row
  D. When an update statement in a pl/sql block has to modify more than one row
  Ans: C
  2. Which statement about multiple column subquery is true?
  A. A pairwiese comparison produces a cross product
  B. A nonpairwise comparison produces a cross product
  C. In a pairwise subquery, the value return from the subquery is compared individually to the values in the outer query
  D. In a nonpairwise subquery, the value return from the subquery is compared grouply to the values in the outer que
  Ans: B
  3. Examine the code
  set serveroutput on
  set serverouput off
  This code is stored in a script file myproc.sql, which statement executes
  the code in the script file?
  A. Myproc.sql
  B. RUN Myproc.sql
  C. START Myproc.sql
  D. EXECUTE Myproc.sql
  E. BEGIN Myproc.sql
  Ans: C
  4. You issued a statement:
  FOR ed.employee
  Which task has been accomplished?
  a. The object now can be accessed by all users;
  b. All users were given object privilege to the table;
  c. The need to qualify the object name with its schema was elimilated only for you;
  d. The need to qualify the object name with its schema was elimilated for all users.
  Ans: D (the real exam a, b ,c, d, said different)
  5. Which operator can not be used in nonequel join.
  a. IN.
  b. Like.
  C. Equal operator
  d. between...and..
  Ans: C
  6. select * from emp where id NOT IN ( select manager_id from
  .....), which operator is the same as NOT IN.
  a. !=
  b. !=ALL *
  d. !=ANY
  Ans: B
  7. Could you update following view?
  create or replace view dept_view
  as select dept_no, sum(salary) total_sal, count(*)
  from emp
  group by dept_no
  a. Yes
  b. No
  Ans: B
  8. Which select statement display employee names, salaries, department
  number who earn more than the average salary in their department.
  A, select ename, sal, deptno, AVG(sal)
  from emp
  group by ename, sal, deptno;
  B, select a.ename, a.sal, a.deptno, b.salavg
  from emp a, ( select deptno, AVG( sal ) salavg
  from emp
  group by deptno ) b
  where a.deptno = b.deptno and a.sal > b.salavg;
  C, select outer.ename, outer.sal
  outer.deptno, AVG( outer.sal )
  from emp outer
  group by outer.ename, outer.sal, outer.deptno
  having AVG( outer.sal ) >
  ( select inner.sal
  from emp inner
  when inner.deptno = outer.deptno );
  D, select outer ename, outer.sal,
  outer.deptno, AVG( outer.sal )
  from emp outer
  Group by outer.ename, outer.sal, outer.deptno
  having AVG( outer.sal ) IN
  ( select inner.sal
  from emp inner
  where inner.deptno = outer.deptno );
  Ans: B
  9. What happens if you manually create an index on a foreign key colum?
  A. The unique key created on the primary key on the other table is overriden
  B.Or the index will reduce the disk I/O for Select/Delete
  Ans: B
  10. Can you rename a column?
  A. Rename Column command
  B.Alter Table command
  C. Can not rename a column, unless using a temporary table
  Ans: C
  11. How to enable a Primary Key?
  a) Alter Table xxx Enable Primary Key (id);
  b) Alter Table xxx Enable Constraint xxx Primary Key;
  c) Alter Table xxx Enable Primary Key Cascade;
  d) Alter Table xxx Enable Primary Key;
  Ans: D
  12. To load a table with a huge amount of data, disable the Primary Key and
  Not Null contraints, then re-enable them after the load. What happens?
  a) Unique indexes automatically re-created;
  b) Existing rows are validated;
  c) Only subsequent insertions to the table are validated;
  d) ...
  Ans: B
  13. In order for newly created user to get access to database, you must grant
  'create session' privilege.
  14. User_col_constraints only displays constraint names
  User_constraints displays both constraint names and constraint type.
  15. Declare cursor cursor_name(v_sal) IS
  select ename, sal from
  where sal>v_sal;
  What is wrong with this one?
  a) must define datatype for v_sal
  b) can not use where clause in cursor.
  Ans: B, I am not sure
  16.Try to look through the information about employee Smith, but not
  sure the case stored in the database. which statement is correct
  A. select lastname, firstname
  from emp
  where lastname='simth';
  B. select lastname, firstname
  from emp
  where Upper(lastname)='simth';
  C. select lastname, firstname
  from emp
  where Lower(lastname)='simth';
  I choose C
  17. Create role Inventory
  Create role Clerk
  Create role Manager
  Create user Scott identified by tigger
  Grant clerk to Manager
  Grant Inventory to Clerk
  Grant Invntory to Scott
  How many role Scott can access to ?
  B. ONE
  C. TWO
  Ans: B
  18. The structure of the department table is as follows:
  Name Null Type
  Deptno Not Null Number(2)
  Dname Varchar2(14)
  Loc Varchar2(13)
  Examine the following code:
  TYPE dept_record_type is RECORD
  (dno number
  name Varchar2(20));
  dept_rec dept_record_type;
  SELECT deptno, dname
  INTO dept_rec
  FROM dept
  WHERE deptno=10;
  Which choice displays the name of the selected department?
  C. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(dept_rec.dname);
  E. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(dept_rec(name));
  I chose D
  19. You have been granted update privilege on the last_name column of the
  employee table. Which data dictionary view would you query to display
  the column the privilege was granted on and the schema that owns the
  employee table?
  B. This information cannot be retrieved from a single data dictionary
  Ans: A. but please check it!
  20. You need to update employee salary. If the salary of an employee is less
  than $1000, the salary needs to be incremented by 10%.
  Use a SQL*Plus sustitution variable to accept the employee NUMBER.
  Which PL/SQL block successfully updates the salary?
  v_sal emp.sal%type;
  SELECT sal
  WHERE empno=&&p.empno;
  IF(v_sal<1000) THEN

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