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  • 博客访问: 528391
  • 博文数量: 855
  • 博客积分: 40000
  • 博客等级: 大将
  • 技术积分: 5005
  • 用 户 组: 普通用户
  • 注册时间: 2008-10-16 19:08







2008-10-16 19:09:33

Tue Aug 5 16:07:51 2008
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/billdb/bdump/billdb2_mman_7496.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kmgs_pre_process_request_6], [4], [8], [6], [3], [0xC0000003398B4198], [], []
Tue Aug 5 16:07:53 2008
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/billdb/bdump/billdb2_mman_7496.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kmgs_pre_process_request_6], [4], [8], [6], [3], [0xC0000003398B4198], [], []
Tue Aug 5 16:07:53 2008
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20080805160753]
Tue Aug 5 16:07:53 2008
MMAN: terminating instance due to error 822
Tue Aug 5 16:07:55 2008
Shutting down instance (abort)
License high water mark = 47
Tue Aug 5 16:07:58 2008
Instance terminated by MMAN, pid = 7496
Tue Aug 5 16:08:00 2008
Instance terminated by USER, pid = 23950
Tue Aug 5 16:08:09 2008
Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
Interface type 1 lan3 configured from OCR for use as a cluster interconnect
Interface type 1 lan0 configured from OCR for use as a public interface
Picked latch-free SCN scheme 3
WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest is same as db_create_file_dest
Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
SYS auditing is disabled
ksdpec: called for event 13740 prior to event group initialization
Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version:
System parameters with non-default values:
processes = 1000
sessions = 1105
__shared_pool_size = 2566914048
shared_pool_size = 1375731712
__large_pool_size = 117440512
large_pool_size = 117440512
__java_pool_size = 16777216
java_pool_size = 16777216
__streams_pool_size = 134217728
streams_pool_size = 100663296
spfile = +DG_DATA_01/billdb/spfilebilldb.ora
nls_language = AMERICAN
sga_target = 12884901888
control_files = +DG_DATA_01/billdb/controlfile/current.261.633805011, +DG_DATA_01/billdb/controlfile/current.260.633805013
db_block_size = 8192
__db_cache_size = 10032775168
db_cache_size = 6442450944
compatible =
log_archive_dest_1 = LOCATION=+DG_DATA_01/billdb/
log_archive_format = %t_%s_%r.dbf
db_files = 500
db_file_multiblock_read_count= 32
cluster_database = TRUE
cluster_database_instances= 2
db_create_file_dest = +DG_DATA_01
db_recovery_file_dest = +DG_DATA_01
db_recovery_file_dest_size= 21474836480
thread = 2
instance_number = 2
undo_management = AUTO
undo_tablespace = UNDOTBS2
remote_login_passwordfile= EXCLUSIVE
db_domain = fs
global_names = TRUE
dispatchers = (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=billdbXDB)
local_listener = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = crs_vip2) (PORT = 1521))
remote_listener = BILLDB1
smtp_out_server =
job_queue_processes = 10
background_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/billdb/bdump
user_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/billdb/udump
core_dump_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/billdb/cdump
audit_file_dest = /u01/app/oracle/admin/billdb/adump
db_name = billdb
open_cursors = 1000
pga_aggregate_target = 1702887424
Cluster communication is configured to use the following interface(s) for this instance
Tue Aug 5 16:08:11 2008
cluster interconnect IPC version: UDP/IP (generic)
IPC Vendor 1 proto 2
PMON started with pid=2, OS id=24388
DIAG started with pid=3, OS id=24481
PSP0 started with pid=4, OS id=24513
LMON started with pid=5, OS id=24516
LMD0 started with pid=6, OS id=24518
LMS0 started with pid=7, OS id=24520
LMS1 started with pid=9, OS id=24526
MMAN started with pid=10, OS id=24555
DBW0 started with pid=11, OS id=24557
LGWR started with pid=12, OS id=24559
CKPT started with pid=13, OS id=24561
SMON started with pid=14, OS id=24563
RECO started with pid=15, OS id=24592
CJQ0 started with pid=16, OS id=24594
MMON started with pid=17, OS id=24596
Tue Aug 5 16:08:19 2008
starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address ''(ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))''...
MMNL started with pid=18, OS id=24598
Tue Aug 5 16:08:19 2008
starting up 1 shared server(s) ...
Tue Aug 5 16:08:20 2008
lmon registered with NM - instance id 2 (internal mem no 1)
Tue Aug 5 16:08:21 2008
Reconfiguration started (old inc 0, new inc 8)
List of nodes:
0 1
Global Resource Directory frozen
* allocate domain 0, invalid = TRUE
Communication channels reestablished
* domain 0 valid = 0 according to instance 0
Tue Aug 5 16:08:21 2008
Master broadcasted resource hash value bitmaps
Non-local Process blocks cleaned out
Tue Aug 5 16:08:21 2008
LMS 1: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed
Tue Aug 5 16:08:21 2008
LMS 0: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed
Set master node info
Submitted all remote-enqueue requests
Dwn-cvts replayed, VALBLKs dubious
All grantable enqueues granted
Tue Aug 5 16:08:22 2008
LMS 0: 0 GCS shadows traversed, 0 replayed
Tue Aug 5 16:08:22 2008
LMS 1: 0 GCS shadows traversed, 0 replayed
Tue Aug 5 16:08:22 2008
Submitted all GCS remote-cache requests
Fix write in gcs resources
Reconfiguration complete
LCK0 started with pid=21, OS id=24780
Tue Aug 5 16:08:25 2008
Tue Aug 5 16:08:25 2008
Starting background process ASMB
ASMB started with pid=23, OS id=24810
Starting background process RBAL
RBAL started with pid=24, OS id=24814
Tue Aug 5 16:08:30 2008
SUCCESS: diskgroup DG_DATA_01 was mounted
Tue Aug 5 16:08:34 2008
Setting recovery target incarnation to 2
Tue Aug 5 16:08:34 2008
Successful mount of redo thread 2, with mount id 1587882380
Tue Aug 5 16:08:34 2008
Database mounted in Shared Mode (CLUSTER_DATABASE=TRUE)
Tue Aug 5 16:08:35 2008
Picked broadcast on commit scheme to generate SCNs
Tue Aug 5 16:08:35 2008
SUCCESS: diskgroup DG_DATA_03 was mounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup DG_DATA_02 was mounted
Tue Aug 5 16:08:36 2008
Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
Tue Aug 5 16:09:02 2008
ARC0 started with pid=8, OS id=25845
Tue Aug 5 16:09:02 2008
ARC0: Archival started
ARC1: Archival started
ARC1 started with pid=27, OS id=25847
Tue Aug 5 16:09:02 2008
Thread 2 opened at log sequence 38038
Current log# 3 seq# 38038 mem# 0: +DG_DATA_01/billdb/onlinelog/group_3.268.633805093
Tue Aug 5 16:09:02 2008
ARC0: Becoming the ''no FAL'' ARCH
ARC0: Becoming the ''no SRL'' ARCH
Tue Aug 5 16:09:02 2008
ARC1: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH
Tue Aug 5 16:09:03 2008
Successful open of redo thread 2
Tue Aug 5 16:09:03 2008
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
Tue Aug 5 16:09:03 2008
SMON: enabling cache recovery
Tue Aug 5 16:09:03 2008
Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 5.
Tue Aug 5 16:09:03 2008
SMON: enabling tx recovery
Tue Aug 5 16:09:03 2008
Database Characterset is ZHS16CGB231280
replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)
Tue Aug 5 16:09:05 2008
Streams APPLY A001 started with pid=29, OS id=25909
Tue Aug 5 16:09:08 2008
Starting background process QMNC
QMNC started with pid=30, OS id=25992
Tue Aug 5 16:09:11 2008

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