Vivek Chopra has over ten years of experience as a software developer, architect, and team lead, with
extensive experience with Web services, J2EE, and middleware technologies. He has worked and consulted
at a number of Silicon Valley companies and startups and has (pending) patents on Web services.
Vivek actively writes about technology and has coauthored half a dozen books on topics such as opensource
software, Java, XML, and Web services. He contributes to open source, too, and has developed
parts of the uddi4j library, an open-source Java API for UDDI.
Sing Li, first bit by the microcomputer bug in 1978, has grown up with the microprocessor age. His first
personal computer was a do-it-yourself Netronics COSMIC ELF computer with 256 bytes of memory,
mail-ordered from the back pages of Popular Electronics magazine. Currently, Sing is a consultant, system
designer, open-source software contributor, and freelance writer. He writes for several popular technical
journals and e-zines and is the creator of the Internet Global Phone, one of the very first Internet phones
available. He has authored and coauthored numerous books across diverse technical topics, including
JSP, Tomcat, servlets, XML, Jini, and JXTA.
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