2008-10-28 17:59:42
select * from (select a.*,rownum as my_sys_rownum from ( select deptid,nvl(BDZNAME,' '),nvl(VOLLEVEL,'0'),ZBRL,nvl(ZBTS, '0'), nvl(FZR,'0'),nvl(DEPTIDDES,' '),nvl(TEL,' '),nvl(RUNSTATEDES,' '), nvl(ADDRESS,' '),BDZID from V_BDZ where rownum<2000 and ZBRL is null ) a union select b.*,rownum+(select count(*) from ( select deptid,nvl(BDZNAME,' '),nvl(VOLLEVEL,'0'),ZBRL,nvl(ZBTS, '0'), nvl(FZR,'0'),nvl(DEPTIDDES,' '),nvl(TEL,' '),nvl(RUNSTATEDES,' '), nvl(ADDRESS,' '),BDZID from V_BDZ where rownum<2000 and ZBRL is null )) as my_sys_rownum from ( select deptid,nvl(BDZNAME,' '),nvl(VOLLEVEL,'0'),ZBRL, nvl(ZBTS, '0'),nvl(FZR,'0'), nvl(DEPTIDDES,' '),nvl(TEL,' '),nvl(RUNSTATEDES,' '), nvl(ADDRESS,' '),BDZID from V_BDZ where rownum<2000 and ZBRL is not null order by ZBRL ) b ) order by my_sys_rownum desc