Function isEmail(ByRef Invalue)
Dim valueStr
valueStr = trim(CStr(Invalue))
If (Not(detectedEmailBadCharacters(valueStr))) Then
If (Not(detectDoubleDotInARow(valueStr))) Then
If (Not(detectDoubleAtSimbol(valueStr))) Then
If (isUserNameOk(valueStr)) Then
If (isExtensionOK(valueStr)) Then
If (isHostNameOK(valueStr)) Then
isEmail = True
isEmail = False
End If
isEmail = False
End If
isEmail = False
End If
isEmail = False
End If
isEmail = False
End If
isEmail = False
End If
End Function
Function detectedEmailBadCharacters(ByRef strInput)
Dim bad_chars, foundOne, counter, strIn, i, ch, a, bad_char
bad_chars = "!$%^""&*()+={[}]:;'~#<,>?/| "
'string of Nasty characters to be checked for.
foundOne = False
counter = 5
strIn = CStr(strInput)
For i = 1 To Len(strIn)
foundOne = False
ch = mid(strIn,i,1)
For a = 1 To Len(bad_chars)
bad_char = mid(bad_chars,a,1)
If(ch = bad_char)Then
detectedEmailBadCharacters = True
Exit Function
End If
Next ' a
Next ' i
detectedEmailBadCharacters = False
End Function
Function isUserNameOk(strInput)
Dim intIn
intIn = InStr(strInput,"@")
If intIn = 0 Then
isUserNameOk = False
isUserNameOk = True
End If
End Function
Function isHostNameOK(ByRef strInput)
If InStr(strInput," ") <> 0 Then
isHostNameOK = False
Exit Function
ElseIf InStr(strInput,"@") = 1 Then
isHostNameOK = False
Exit Function
ElseIf InStr((Len(strInput)-1),strInput,"@") <> 0 Then
isHostNameOK = False
Exit Function
ElseIf InStr((Len(strInput)-1),strInput,".") <> 0 Then
isHostNameOK = False
Exit Function
ElseIf InStr((Len(strInput)-1),strInput,"_") <> 0 Then
isHostNameOK = False
Exit Function
isHostNameOK = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function detectDoubleDotInARow(strInput)
Dim ch, last_is_a_dot, i
ch = ""
last_is_a_dot = False
For i = 1 To Len(strInput)
ch = mid(strInput,i,1)
If((ch = ".") And (last_is_a_dot = False)) Then
last_is_a_dot = True
ElseIf ch <> "." Then
last_is_a_dot = False
ElseIf((ch = ".") And (last_is_a_dot = True)) Then
detectDoubleDotInARow = True
Exit Function
End If
detectDoubleDotInARow = False
End Function
Function detectDoubleAtSimbol(strInput)
Dim ch, there_is_a_at_simbol, i
ch = ""
there_is_a_at_simbol = False
For i = 1 To Len(strInput)
ch = mid(strInput,i,1)
If((ch = "@") And (there_is_a_at_simbol = False)) Then
there_is_a_at_simbol = True
ElseIf((ch = "@") And (there_is_a_at_simbol = True)) Then
detectDoubleAtSimbol = True
Exit Function
End If
detectDoubleAtSimbol = False
End Function
Function isExtensionOK(strInput)
Dim counter, there_is_a_dot, at_position, i, ch
counter = 0
there_is_a_dot = false
at_position = InStr(1,strInput,"@")
For i = (at_position + 1) To Len(strInput)
ch = mid(strInput,i,1)
counter = counter + 1
If((ch = ".") And (counter = 1)) Then
isExtensionOK = False
Exit Function
ElseIf((ch = ".") And (counter > 1)) Then
isExtensionOK = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
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