Scientific Linux是一份重新编译的Red Hat Enterprise Linux,它包含了遍布世界的多种多样的实验室和大学的贡献。

Urs Beyerle has announced the release of the Live CD/DVD edition of Scientific Linux 5.2, a Red Hat-based distribution enhanced with scientific and educational software: "Scientific Linux Live CD/DVD 5.2 has been released for i386 and x86_64 architectures. New feature: changes can be stored persistently on a storage device like a USB key. Together with the possibility to start the live CD from a USB key, this feature allows you to carry around a portable Scientific Linux live system on a single USB stick. Features: can be installed to local hard disk, runs from USB key, can be mounted over NFS (diskless client). Software: Linux kernel 2.6.18, OpenAFS client 1.4.7, X.Org 7.1, 3D desktop with Compiz and AIGLX; ALSA sound libraries 1.0.14, GNOME 2.16.0 (standard desktop on live CD), KDE 3.5.4 (only on live DVD), 2.3.0, Firefox 3.0...." Read the complete release announcement for further information. the live DVD images from here: (2,475MB, ), (2,509MB, ).


