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首先我们到 GNU Classpath::JVM 的老巢看看:
这里大多数的 JVM 都是基于 GNU Classpath Runtime 库的。
其中以 Kaffe 和 SableVM 最活跃、实现的最完全。
Kaffe OpenVM is a complete virtual machine, library framework and tools for programming in the java language. It has its own implementation of part of the core libraries, but uses large parts of the GNU Classpath framework.
SableVM is a robust, extremely portable, efficient, and specifications-compliant Java Virtual Machine that aims to be easy to maintain and to extend. It features a state-of-the-art, efficient interpreter engine. Its source code is very accessible and easy to understand, and has many robustness features that have been the object of careful design.
SableVM的特征: (我们为什么用它)
IKVM.NET 用于 .NET 平台,用于 Mono 上面跑 JAVA 程序。
GNU 的 JAVA 编译器。
[URL=gcjwebplugin ][/URL]
用于 Mozilla 等浏览器(要求>gcc 3.4.0 && >mozilla 1.7),gcjwebplugin 是基于GCJ JVM 的。
作者是这样说的: Have a look at JamVM
Admittedly I'm the author, but one of
the design goals was compact size (approx 80K stripped on ARM). It
uses Classpath, and is quite popular. It's already used on a number
of embedded systems.
GNU Classpath is a project to create free core class libraries for use with virtual machines and compilers for Java. Fixes were made to URL and URLStreamHandler. File.deleteOnExit() was implemented. Multiple new features and bugfixes were made in java.text. AWT lists use GTK treeviews.
Proper AWT focus management is done. Swing menus and scrollpanes now work. Swing splitpanes, dialogs, and internal frames were added. Swing repainting and double buffering were redone. Font management is done through Pango. A generic AccessController implementation was added. New java.beans Statement and Expression classes were added. Compilation fixes were made for PPC 64-bit, ARM, x86-64, and S/390.
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