If the server is older than 6-12 mounth ,or if your card is newer than the above date,look for a newer version before reporting problem.
Build Operating system

inux2.4.17-0.13smp i686 [ELF]
Build Host:daffy.perf.redhat.com
Moudule Loander present.

--)probed,(**)from config file,(==)default setting,(++)from command line
(!!)notice,(II)information,(ww)warning,(EE)error,(NI) no impletion.
(==)bog file:"/var/log/XFree86.0.log",Time......
(==)Using config file:"/etc/x11/XF86Config-4"
(EE) No desices detected.
Fatal server error.
no screens found
When reporting a problem rebated to a server crash,please send the fall server output.not just the last messages,This can be found in the log file "/var/log/XFree86.0.log"
Please report the problem to ........
XIO:fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known precessed) with 0 events remaining
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